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<q>B900325 2 on TitanDuel 2.2</q>Did this person cheat or was my Likho bugging?

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B900325 2 on TitanDuel 2.2 - Did this person cheat or was my Likho bugging?

They BM'ed 3 times. at the start, in post game chat which I reported to admin for unsporting conduct and they even left a comment on the replay LOL.

I admit I done bad this match but absolutely no need for that kind of sportsmanship and only arises suspicion because this has NEVER happened to me in over 700+ games.

Skip forward till the game is at about 92%, look at my air factory, I cannot operate my likhos.

gg again <playername>Ontheheavens<playername> I hope you receive the shame you deserve for posiening this great community cheating or no cheating. :)


Please if someone can PM me on zero K the right codes for playername, linking the game etc I will sort out this post lol.

name Raven > Likho

+3 / -1
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There are no cheats in ZK as far as I know. Even if I could cheat, against your noob ass cheating would be just pointless.

Unsporting conduct... Great. And when some jerk snitches me up right after the start in team games its completely normal, right?


Learn something every day!

Before that мудила @_Shaman shows up and starts sharing his wisdom I'll do it myself.

There is guide:


Linking a player is @ before nickname. To link the game just copy URL.


In the guide there is everything you might need.
+4 / -10
4 years ago
I was asking a question to the community because I do not know, Thanks for your input though, Love them real colors!
+3 / -1
4 years ago
Those Likhos definitely bugged.
+2 / -1
Then I apologize for thinking you may have cheated ontheheavens, I wish you all the best.

Lame Buggy Likho, typical in matchmade game too.
+4 / -1
4 years ago
You probably would have won if you just spammed Kodachi.
+2 / -1
4 years ago
I did think that halfway through xd Kodachi op
+3 / -1
4 years ago
Ripper performs very bad against Kodachi. Difficult matchup overall.
+2 / -3
4 years ago
can i have a down-vote too please
+8 / -4
4 years ago
Too much red colour. Coincidentally green is my favourite colour.
+4 / -1

4 years ago
Unsporting conduct... Great. And when some jerk snitches me up right after the start in team games its completely normal, right?

Of course. And also if somebody also gnat and transport your com away.
+1 / -1
4 years ago
I'll be sure to slice up your com's ass with my scythes on any occasion.
+1 / -1

4 years ago
You are welcome to do it or try it. At least i will not cry and be rude like you.
+2 / -1
4 years ago
Aw you so much better than me... Be entertaining ur ego successfully huh?
+1 / -1

4 years ago
Aw you so much better than me... Be entertaining ur ego successfully huh?

But i m not better then you and never even tried even think such thoughts. I was just meaning about culture. I'm not most cultural person here but you outperform me in that way greatly here in forum, public chat. I like it, i like when you rage. I like when somebody just become uneducated child with great 'mat' spitting everything out. And even more i like peoples who can answer without rudeness in such manner that offender is humiliated even more. Its like art and i like art. I love art. But in reality i just enjoy that there is same dark souls like mine which is in same pit. :)
+1 / -0
4 years ago
oh noooooooooo =(

this room is making me cry .. i got some venom in my eyes

please can we all be bro's and respect each-others hearts..

* everyone stops fighting each-other and turns hatred towards smokedragon tearing his meddlesome body to pieces
they then devour him raw
+4 / -1

4 years ago
his room is making me cry .. i got some venom in my eyes

Welcome aboard young one. You have started path to greater darkness now. Embrace it. I don't know about cookies but it will helps reduce your electricity bill.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
What? This "At least i will not cry and be rude like you" literally screams of childish attitude and attempt at self-assertion.

* everyone stops fighting each-other and turns hatred towards smokedragon tearing his meddlesome body to pieces
they then devour him raw

No, I love you, AUrankSmokeDragon! No homo of course.
+2 / -1

4 years ago
everyone stops fighting each-other and turns hatred towards smokedragon tearing his meddlesome body to pieces
they then devour him raw

Anyone like raw meatballs mass with garlic and salt? When i cooking cutlets i always taste meat mass. Of course not human one i mean.
+2 / -0
Of course not human one i mean

Оговорочка по Фрейду! BTW, a little more and I will have more downvotes than upvotes, keep'em koming.
+3 / -1
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