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New AI: Defensive Personality ?

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4 years ago
As title says, I was wondering if that kind of AI Could be doable. An IA that will be focussed on Defense and not rush. Only building strong defenses wich will force the player to strike hard to break them. By strong defences, im talking about Aegises, Lucifer, or desolators. etc etc.

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4 years ago
How will the AI pay for those defenses if it's not aggressively conquering metal extractors?
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4 years ago
The AI Will not attack bases, only mexes. Aswell, he AI Will harvest even more wreakages
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How will the AI pay for those defenses if it's not aggressively conquering metal extractors?

Maybe he think that AI should never going directly to human player base while getting at least half map mexes and then not attacking until human players coming close. Plus spamming mass porc, bb and cerberus. However then Ai must be some kind of map awarness how far to go and how far not.
Anyway there is no large point of such AI because player anyway need attack AI because AI just taking entire map with its units and harrasing player.
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4 years ago
Theres no point when you are playing 1vs1 with this AI, yes
But in my case, im playing 8vs8 with all AI types, for versatile strategies
But with that new potential AI, Things could be more interesting if you are only playing with bots, like i do
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4 years ago
I would love to see something like that, but I don't think it should be played as 1v1. It will support other AIs by strengthening the base itself (and not start building 3 antinukes at once) while the other AIs try to take land. Now zk AI is already better than most AI I have seen because they just don't build any defenses, but zk at least builds some and their base becomes cluttered (which is nice to take over). But either way I would love to try and take over some difficult to take base... without superweapons of course.
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4 years ago
I dunno the AI already builds excessive defenses.
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4 years ago
Escessive defences ? They are stuck on lotus, i sometime see huges area of lotuses with nothing else around it, excepted lotuses. Pickets are rarer, Stingers even more. Currently, you will never see a bot placing a Lucifer, a Desolator, or a Cerberus

Im agree with you about the fact the AI in this game is very well done, That why i thought it could be a good idea to see that kind of new personnality
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4 years ago
AI most weak spot is economy and lack of antinukes (at least was). There was older AI which build drp in late game but now i never saw such strategy with newer AI.
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4 years ago
Eco ai does build DRP
but they dont know to protect it w funnel
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4 years ago
Eco AI was pretty weak with eco building when i played vs it in Coop room last time. I never saw DRP with new AI. Main AI problems is eco and antinuke.
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4 years ago
On the topic of AI's Lotus spam it might probably be a good idea to give a limiter to current AI's defense spam, say if more than 3 basic(Stinger and weaker) defenses overlap their fields of fire they won't build more.
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4 years ago
Facts are... If you are saving and loading a game, AI Personnality will be reseted, and they will start, after 1 Hour of game to go back to the mid for getting mexes, like if it was the beggining of the game. And the worst is, they will litteraly put lotus everywere, since they have a better economy with 1hours game time then 3 minutes of game time :d
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