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give advanced radar ability to warn about cloaked enemy

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4 years ago
give advanced radar ability to warn about cloaked enemy

+0 / -4
4 years ago
interesting idea, could only work on a commander though how could you discern where it is coming from on multiple advanced radars with same ability.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Can't do this unless it is extremely short-range without making the cloak factory worthless. Maybe if the radar could detect cloaked units at about 1/2 a stardust's normal range - and it just showed a shadow of the unit w/o giving nearby units the ability to fire at detected units until they were uncloaked.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Cloaked units have been carefully balanced around having a specific de-cloak radius.

Why change a mechanic that works just fine?
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Ye and also warn when enemy rush nuke, supwep, bb and storage. With big red letters and pitched voice in loudspeakers (even if only headphones is used). Plus give it sidearm as well - leveler one.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
Can't do this unless it is extremely short-range without making the cloak factory worthless. Maybe if the radar could detect cloaked units at about 1/2 a stardust's normal range - and it just showed a shadow of the unit w/o giving nearby units the ability to fire at detected units until they were uncloaked.

There is no point of such warning because range is too small. And such warning would render cloaked unit useless. Why you all need such towers if there is such units like fleas and you can just spam nanoframes. 99% problem is not in detection but in not adequate reaction.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Scythe could probably just do with a little less HP and localised attack sfx.

A nuke-style warning about "cloaked units detected" with a GUI button you can press to move camera to view the event would go a long way too.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
You can get configure something pretty close to this already.

Settings -> Interface -> Unit Marker -> Individual Toggles -> check Scythe will cause a (local) marker to be placed whenever an enemy Scythe is revealed. Like all markers, you can either press the button next to it in chat, or F3 on the keyboard, to move the camera to that location.

From this menu, you can also cause markers to be placed whenever you spot Phantoms (the markers will stick around even after they cloak again, so you know where to sweep!), Athenas sneaking around, or even just structures of interest like Antinukes, Singularity Reactors, Big Berthas, Trinities, and Superweapons.
+4 / -0
4 years ago
A cloaked unit detection warning would be nice, that way if your not at the spot it was detected u at least know there's a cloaked unit running around your stuff. Other than that cloaking should be left alone, adding a method of detecting cloaking other than whats already there, would kill cloaking period. they setup cloaking in this very well where it can be useful...other games make it too easy to detect making it pointless.
+0 / -0
give advanced radar ability to warn about cloaked enemy

Tottaly disagree, just will have to spam ADVRadars everywere and all sneek attacks will be passively countered. And Sneeking attacks are often the reason of a plotwist during a fight, or a way to unlock it

Aswell, the lazy way to propose and idea without poiting out your point, and only pasting the thread title on the first post, meaning you aren't giving your point about WHY you want it to be applied, is making your thread literaly worthless
+0 / -0