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zkmenu:stable download failed - unexpected end of stream

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3 years ago
Semi-portable Linux doesn't launch with the following error:

Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : http://repos.springrts.com/zkmenu/packages/e79f0f3972e0a0644010f0a5b9b81fe7.sdp Completed - 79.11k
Zero-K.exe Error: 0 : zkmenu:stable download failed - unexpected end of stream

I tried:
1. Removing cache
2. Clear 'packages' folder
3. Downloading the aforementioned .sdp file manually into 'packages' folder

infolog.txt is still from yesterday
infolog_full.txt contains only the lines quoted above (with repetitions)

Any ideas?
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Try downloading this and sticking it in Zero-K/Games. Maybe that will help?
+0 / -0

unknownrankShaman, that didn't help unfortunately.

Meanwhile I renamed the existing zero-k-portable folder, downloaded a fresh semi-portable zip from itch.io, unpacked, still have the same error.

Regarding the zk-menu.sdz from unknownrankShaman, the strange thing is that

diff zero-k-portable/games/e79f0f3972e0a0644010f0a5b9b81fe7.sdz zkmenu-stable.sdz 
Binary files zero-k-portable/games/e79f0f3972e0a0644010f0a5b9b81fe7.sdz and zkmenu-stable.sdz differ

Files have same bytesize but different md5.

But when I unpacked both .sdz files and compared the folders, diff didn't find any difference.

Anyway I moved zkmenu-stable.sdz to games, but still have the same error.



Wait, that's not the same error actually, it's just similar so I thought it's the same. The error now is

Zero-K.exe Information: 0 : http://repos.springrts.com/zk/packages/bce544c746dfd4844cd2be613e87ae43.sdp Completed - 222.34k
Zero-K.exe Error: 0 : zk:stable download failed - unexpected end of stream

+0 / -0

3 years ago
mono Zero-K.exe
fails as well

Could it be related to springrts.com server migration starting on 20th. April 2021 at ~11:30 GMT+1 or it is just a coincidence?

+0 / -0

3 years ago
Well I tried.
I'm sadly not a linux user, so I can't really help past this. I did try to bring awareness to your issue though in hopes someone else knows about it. I'm more general assistance anyways. This requires a specialist, maybe EErankAdminAnarchid or MYrankAdminHistidine? (I'll try pinging MYrankAdminHistidine)
+0 / -0
Find the latest version of pr-downloader in your game directory - for example, Zero-K/engine/linux64/104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f/pr-downloader - and try downloading zk:stable directly:

./engine/linux64/104.0.1-1544-ge1f249f/pr-downloader --download-game "Zero-K v1.9.4.3" --filesystem-writepath "$PWD"
+0 / -0
Consulted MYrankAdminHistidine, they said to give you my zk-stable as well, so here you go.

They're also working on itch.io stuff so hopefully all gets resolved. Turns out they also got an error.

Hope the above resolves this at least temporarily until coredev can fix things up.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
I've updated the itch version with the .sdz files (in games/) and the packages/ files from the Steam version. In principle the semi-portable shouldn't need to download any further files* (which is where it seems to be breaking).

*until next ZK update, at which point I'll have to push new files again
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Thanks you all - unknownrankShaman, NZrankesainane, MYrankAdminHistidine

I redownloaded the semi-portable and it works now! Gotta grill some lobsters!

Btw, MYrankAdminHistidine, regarding itch.io version:
1. you may want to add
export TERM=xterm
to the Zero-K_linux64.sh as it seems not to work without it, at least on Debian-based distros.
2. libcurl3 is listed as a dependency, which isn't available on current Ubuntu LTS, but libcurl4 does the work, so it's worth to mention.
+0 / -0