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what Happen to the 1v1 tournemant!^

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3 years ago
Before giving me shit haven't been present much lately so sorry for not looking through the full forum Index for using keyword search(just had the idea but I guess I'm committed now..)

I assume the problem is related surrounding the organization and that at least one person need to be willing to invest the required time which I admit must not be trivial. if that is not the issue would be intrigue to learn more

I had a blast playing them, and after just a few weeks I miss them a lot. I have some what a spare amount of time currently at my disposal (shown by the amount of hour I was able to put in not long ago ,P) I would be willing to partner with current organizer, if I'm correct that was Qrow (or something close sorry)I'm willing to go further and take it completely over even if temporarily... and guidance of any kind would of course be welcomed, challonge seems not to big of a challenge ...no pun intended

to whomever this concerns let me know
Regards MadKraft
+7 / -0

3 years ago
if I'm correct that was Qrow (or something close sorry)

Yeah, at the moment USrankQrow is doing that, somewhere I think I remember that USrankQrow is kind of busy right now which explains that.

However, I don't know if AUrankStuff is also involved, because he has already organized a Mod Tournament and is registered in the "EMR Lobster Roll Weeklies" (Discord) as an event organizer.


For more information, maybe ask in Discord because I am also not so 100% familiar with it....
+0 / -0

3 years ago
At this time of year it is pretty awkward for me to run a tournament at a reasonable time in America - so if you or somebody else wants to have a shot at running a tournament, go for it.
+1 / -0
3 years ago
If Qrow isn't around and someone wanted to do this, I could help you with logistics leading up to the tourney (setting up forum post, rules, maps, challonge page etc.), but wouldn't be there on the day of the actual tourney if it is at the usual day and time (which should probably be kept).
+2 / -0
3 years ago
There is also a BAR tournament the next few Saturdays apparently... so we could try a Sunday tournament, and see how it goes.
+0 / -0