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Another reminder of the status of the community

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3 years ago
So some of you were laughing and telling me to F-off... No wonder ..


And this is not even me!

Regards and respect

+1 / -3

3 years ago
+0 / -0
3 years ago
+1 / -0

3 years ago
didnt read lol
+0 / -0
I might not be really super active in this community but this is a stupidly common trend for anyone to notice with a surface level examination of the asylum section of this forum.

Once someone falls out of favor with the community, they just start ranting about how its become "corroded" or its a toxic climate.

What? Like come on, this is said almost 4 times a year by different people. It hasn't changed since they've joined or since they became more active in the community. These people almost always act in a way that makes the community antagonistic towards them, then said people just cry foul when they get punished for their bad deeds.

Like come on man, just move on. You have so much better things to be doing in your life than hanging around some RTS game's community that you may have called home at one point. Start lifting some weights or adopt an animal from a rescue shelter, it'll help you build character and some self awareness.

Maybe come back in a year or two, and try to mend ties. Seriously, give it a rest.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
"Maybe come back in a year or two, and try to mend ties. Seriously, give it a rest."

Thats exactly what I did, and it only seems to be getting worse!
+1 / -0
You kept making multiple threads pointing fingers at various perceived problems, but despite ample opportunity you failed to give a single piece of constructive feedback. Anybody who is paying attention is aware of the situation that happened recently and the reddit post you linked is a gross misrepresentation of it. If you genuinely wanted to help prevent such situations you could have posted in one of the threads that already exist about it, instead of waiting until it gets resolved only to be able to make a low-effort complaint about it. Coupled with the fact that you haven't played in 17 months and thus don't have much stake in what's going on, it looks like you are only here to stir drama.

Accordingly, NOrankrockingchairrabbit forum-banned for a month (not from the game, feel free to take a look how (non-)toxic the community really is).

Thread moved to asylum.
+2 / -0