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Maintained by ESrankwisrrow
Last updated 17 months ago
Created 3 years ago
download JSON metadata of MorphgradeV0_2_7
In these mod ull find a lot of units/buildings that are morph based upgradable.

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3 years ago
In these mod ull find a lot of units/buildings that are morph based upgradable.
+7 / -0
3 years ago
this mod is epic!
getting a nebula T3 is so much fun heck
fly over his base then brrrrt and then no base anymore
only things id change is the demi strider hub - id put the units back in their original factories. Also lotus and picket have been renamed to LLT and LMT in this mod... until recently i had no idea what those even meant. Id also change those back
+3 / -0
3 years ago
Added the decloack turret from Future Wars, and some units/buildings are inspired on some units from "more units"
+1 / -0
3 years ago
is there a command you can enter to enable this ingame?
+0 / -0
3 years ago
!game Morphgrade should work
U can also (after installing the mod) go Options > Select Mod > click on the mod u want to apply
to install the mod just run the above command in an online lobby then leave
+0 / -0

3 years ago
how to build the semistrider fac? it shows always red and cannot be built.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
try terraforming under it
+0 / -0

3 years ago
after terraforming semistrider fac shows in green, but cons after build command are going around like crazy doing nothing.
+0 / -0
its a huge structure, youll need something with a lot of build range to place it
try using your com alone to place the nanoframe, use other constructors to finish if needed
(same goes with the commander factory from more units)
+1 / -0
3 years ago
for building the semistrider u should use something like a wasp or any T3 conn
+0 / -0

3 years ago

after terraforming semistrider fac shows in green, but cons after build command are going around like crazy doing nothing.

I also had this problem in the More Units mod, but I defeated it by terraforming under the fac and doing so by making the terraform wider than the actual factory so that the constructor is also on the terraform with the factory.

Yes and AUrankTankium's comm suggestion will probably work, as well as ESrankwisrrow's wasp idea.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
its not usable in singleplayer / skirmish, it always states download failed, but it workes fine in multiplayer
+1 / -0
2 years ago
Idk how to make it playable in single player, for me it works, but i usually play it on multi, if u know how to do it, please tellme and ill be glad to make the changes to the mod.
Im currently not developing too much the mod, but if is played and someone have any ideas to morph the jumps, amph and so on, please tell me.
+1 / -0
Awesome mode, Future Wars could benefit from this mode. I like how multiple units/structures have lots of possibilities for morphing. Would be great if we can build them from the start if we chose to do so.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
so sad, morphing was removed from regular zk. glaive => detri. flea => crabe. yes, i'm old.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
ESrankwisrrow can you tell me what tutorial did you use to code/create this game mode? I want to create one of my own :D .
+0 / -0
2 years ago
I dont rememeber what tutorial ive seen, sure i just asked a lot at the discord chanel, feel free to use this code as base if u like
+0 / -0
2 years ago
units dguns can't fire when another target is active
can't morph multiple units at once (or at least it wasn't working for me)
trying to place bomber fac changes to an air fac if you go into plate range
+0 / -0
This mod had a very good potential, but its unfinished, and it will probably stay unfinished considering the fact that last update was nearly a year ago...
Pretty sad also that bots can't use the morphing features
Only few factories got their unit morphable... I was hyped to test them all :(
+0 / -0
incase you need an alternative. i made this. its not fisnished i will add more morph options to this:
random morphs
i know its not the same but ill try my best to make it fun
+0 / -0
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