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Hardware cursor invisble since few weeks

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3 years ago

now i have an issue since 1 or 2 weeks, the cursor is invisible :

this problem affect zk-lobby and game

i use steam platform and standard windows installation

hardware cursor is set in the game menu and it can't force at 0 at start (i must modify it at every start without cursor

my PC :
CPU : i7 8700K
RAM : 16 Go
graphic card : Aorus 1800Ti 11Go

Can you help me ?

thanks by advance

+0 / -0

3 years ago
Anyone to answer me ?
+1 / -0
Sorry I have no idea what's wrong, but a few things. Are you using Linux or Windows? (that might help some people)

Also I know someone that had a similar problem but their cursor was not invisible but it was visibly lower down on the screen than the game actually thought it was, so you had to click underneath things to actually click on the thing. We just ended up restarting ZK and trying a few things (moving mouse around a lot while it started, or didn't move the mouse at all (forgot which one worked)) oh and they were using linux, and their computer seems to have that problem with every game not just ZK.

Hopefully someone can help you!
+0 / -0

3 years ago
"Are you using Linux or Windows? (that might help some people)"


I would just use the "Check game files for errors" function if you have already installed Zero-K via Steam.
[Right-click Zero-K in the game library > Properties > Local Files > Check Game Files for Errors].
If this doesn't fix the problem just reinstall (uninstall > install).

+2 / -0

3 years ago
"i use steam platform and standard windows installation"

Oh somehow I didn't see that sorry
+0 / -0
Software cursor is better anyway for these click intensive games. With hardware cursor the game can lag behind visible cursor.
On topic I've experienced invisible cursor on Intel integrated graphics. Are you sure you use the right GPU? Hint: Lobby and game are different processes.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
i was unable to see the cursor ingame or in the lobby.
i found this:
i started a game, searched in the settings, unchecked the checkbox for "HardwareCursor" and now it seems to work in both places (lobby and game).

have fun!
+1 / -0