quote: I don't know about that widget exactly, but I have played against some who suicide their cons constantly, perhaps under the influence of such a widget. |
If you're worried about that, you can change the line
local buildRadiusExtension = 201
local buildRadiusExtension = 0
This parameter controls by how much mobile builders extend their build range by walking. It can be changed by the user to any number >= -38.
The only other number that is supposed to be changed by the user is
local updateFrameDistance = 15
It controls how fast builders are updated. If you want to improve your performance by slower updates, you can increase the number, for example to 60. Lowering the number can result in bad FPS. It must be a positive integer.
You can also change the order of the functions in the orderTable.
No, but you can put it there if you like.
I updated Smartest Builders to
version 3.5 which I publish hereby under the terms of the
GNU GPL v2. Compared to version 3.2, it has the following improvements:
- Generalized com detection: Coms no longer stop being updated after being morphed in Future Wars.
- Previously, minimum relative health was the third priority for repair target determination. Now, it is a combination of minimum relative health and minimum walk time that chooses the repair target which maximizes the formula
q²*cost / (q*cost/bp + dist/speed) = q / (1/bp + dist/(speed*q*cost)) = expectation value of resources saved by repairing / (repair time + walk time)
with the builder parameters speed and bp (buildpower), the potential repair target parameters cost,
q = 1 - relative health = missing relative health
and dist the distance between builder and potential repair target.
Some effects considered by the formula:
Walk time per repair time should be minimized.
Walking is worse if builders have low speed per bp.
Prioritizing low health targets is extra important to increase the chance to keep them alive.
Walking to units with a high repair cost is more worth the walk.