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Unit to put out fires

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3 years ago
The fact that a phantom can die after smelling the coals of a dante from five years ago is stupid. We need some way to effectively counter that.

Maybe turn the goliath into a unit that can drop water on units? Might need a rename that reflect it can pick things up and put fires out.... Fire Plucker?
+2 / -0
3 years ago
make Krow drop water bombs and call it Motherplucker
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Yeah but the thing is that then cloakbots would be overpowered, because napalm is the only really good way to counter big armies of cloaked guys.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
what's ridiculous are dante's burn time, not fire itself
+11 / -0
3 years ago
Ye, give cons ability to drink water and piss on other units after a while :D
+0 / -0
always those people wanting with the head through the wall...

its a rock-paper-sicors game and this post is asking to nerf sicors cuz its op vs paper
+6 / -0
1) use the hotkey sequence VZ to make a ramp, then drag the endpoint below zero. Now you have a water pool.
2) obtain charon or djinn
3) evacuate the unit that is on fire and place it into pool.
4) fire is extinguished. return unit to front.

Do not attempt on acid or lava maps.
+2 / -0
3 years ago
That's just a fire extinguisher with extra steps!
+0 / -0
3 years ago
But really, the dante fire duration seriously needs to be turned down. It's just... never ending. Or maybe buff engineers to reduce fire duration (ie, not directly putting it out)?
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Or maybe buff engineers to reduce fire duration (ie, not directly putting it out)?

Engineers currently can reduce the amount of damage fire does.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Maybe it needs a buff then? Every time I try to heal a phantom while it's on fire it dies anyway.
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Fire is extremely annoying. I don't think it makes any sense for one unit's fire to burn longer than another's.
+0 / -0
Dante is best strider for a few reasons:
- it is the only heavy that can defend itself from raiders - it's a riot
- it has the best counter for cloaked units - 37 sec long burn time revealing anything for duration within large aoe, outright killing all light units below 550 hp if they are not repaired
- it can play as flex artillery with its dgun, especially with some raised terrain

I'd agree to change that only if area cloakers are seriously nerfed - say paywall mobile cloaker behind strider hub and make it cost more and make static cloaker able to build only by Athena. And/or make all area cloakers match their reveal radius with their area cloak.

Right now in current meta of forever strong cloaked snitches, puppies, lances and other cancer in big team games it is necessary evil I am okay with. I believe that cheap cloaker is common cause for these issues with meta.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
Right now in current meta of forever strong cloaked snitches, puppies, lances and other cancer in big team games it is necessary evil I am okay with. I believe that cheap cloaker is common cause for these issues with meta.

You must be talking about teams. I have bad news for you.

I'd agree to change that only if area cloakers are seriously nerfed - say paywall mobile cloaker behind strider hub and make it cost more and make static cloaker able to build only by Athena. And/or make all area cloakers match their reveal radius with their area cloak.

In the typical 16v16 zk teams, gating cloaker behind hub will not matter at all.

Humongous decloak radius is in interesting nerf idea though.
+0 / -0

You must be talking about teams. I have bad news for you.

Yes, sadly this game mode is seriously neglected. It has been in very bad shape of cloak/artillery degeneration for a long time. It took soo much time to nerf Bertha for example...
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Yes, sadly this game mode is seriously neglected. It has been in very bad shape of cloak/artillery degeneration for a long time. It took soo much time to nerf Bertha for example...

My point is that gating something game-warping behind 700 metal when your team starts with 400x12 disposable income at start is going to be inconsequential.
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Yes I get it, still I reckon it would result in fewer cloakers used, since Striderhub is not free as cloak factory/plate and communication to give make any nano frames for teammates proves to be hard. They would still be used but less abundant. I argued also for price increase together with that (say 600 -> 800)
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Given Conjurer's existence as cheap but small and high-effort area cloak, the bigger cloakers could well just become pricier on their own.

I think higher cost per unit is going to end up mattering more than either increased energy drain or gating it, as both of these inflict the cost upfront, which amounts to cheaper reuse once you get to having the tech/energy to produce them.
+0 / -0
the main reason ppl hate dante is because they dont know that shields stop the fire, 1 aspis counters the burn.

I dont think dante is OP
+2 / -0
How about reworking Archer so that instead of shooting these silly sonic booms it would shoot water torrents and these torrents would be able to extinguish fires? Just an idea.
+1 / -0
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