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Bolas counters?

10 posts, 1119 views
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3 years ago
So I was sandboxing and noticed that amph seems to have no hardcounter to Bolas. With Archer and Duck trading evenly and Scallop barely edging a win (lol, it's a joke riot atm, never build it).

A brief look through the riots shows that tank, hover and jump also lack a bolas hardcounter. Cloak has the stealth-op unit that is Reaver and Ripper puts in a good showing though.

What would people recommend as a mobile force to intercept pure-bolas swarms when playing as amph? (hover can just use Moar BolasTM, tank has kodachi... For jump maybe moderators, placeholders and lotus to retreat to would be good enough)
+2 / -0

3 years ago
For jump maybe

Ya maybe you could jump with lobster?

Other than that I have no idea, actually I was thinking the other day that amph didn't have a hard counter to seawolves either. I was playing the other day and my amph army was wrecking a bunch of Sirens, and then 8 seawolves come over and wreck my entire army in seconds. So is there a counter to them as well?
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Bolas counters?

+2 / -0

3 years ago
I think Trinity can counter bolas, don't know much about anything else...
+3 / -0
3 years ago
bolas is bad enough on its own but even worse combined with scalpels and their unjinkable missiles
+0 / -0

3 years ago
+2 / -0
3 years ago
How to counter Bolas with any fac:
1. Make def so you do not get raped right away
2. Switch to air
3. ???
4. Profit
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Tank: Ogre
Hover: Bolas i guess???
Jump: Placehodler + Moderator/Pyros
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Counter to bolas with amph factory:

lobstrer + scallops
Just expensive and not an efficient counter


Buoys to tank while ducks run up (if enemy is not great at micro managing the bolas...since they are faster than buoys)
+0 / -0
How to counter Bolas with any fac:
1. Make def so you do not get raped right away
2. Switch to air
3. ???
4. Profit

This is a trap, bolas slow bombers so much they cant even drop their bomb. you could try raiding their eco but thats about it.

Bolas CAN be countered, but the cost and effort is so much they win map control and eco while you slip further and further behind.
+0 / -0