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Getting all chat commands (!map etc) onto the wiki

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There is an incomplete list of chat commands here: https://zero-k.info/mediawiki/Setting_Up_a_Game
however those are only for the lobby. Would be nice to have all of them somewhere. Which ones are missing?

I know of:
!resign - resigns for the individual player ingame
!poll resign - starts a resign vote for team ingame

I might've gotten some of them wrong, please correct me if so.

Please post the commands you know that are not already listed either in this post or on wiki.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
This is a noncomplete list.

+1 / -0
oh - edited OP based on new info
+0 / -0

2 years ago
If you're looking for a list of ingame "cheat" commands,


in a multiplayer lobby, the room host might have to use
!hostsay [what the host says here]
to get the server to issue the cheat commands like /cheat
+1 / -0
2 years ago
!help ?
+3 / -0
2 years ago
!help is a good hint.

Still missing a explanation for the outdated !poll or some mention of the e. G. !setoptions disabledunits, with a hint to the old unlt names. A compatibility with !endvote and !map along with no auto !map after !exit would also be nice.

I guess theres even more in terms of complete documentation.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
UI commands

+0 / -0