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Those who know, know.

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2 years ago
Those who know, know.
+0 / -0

Edit: No longer relevant.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
... there is an overlooked and under estimated alternative perspective to this.. and fear guards the path

those who want to know that they know what they want to
+1 / -0
2 years ago
AUrankSmokeDragon yea. kinda. philosophy is cool and all, till theres christmas time and all have place to be, cept for philosophers... remeber to have exit strategy from it...

+1 / -0
2 years ago
hmmm... i feel the gravity of our wisdom escapes us both

i will not pretend to understand your world.. i do not think it is my path.. my destiny was written long ago.. i see the world in a unique way that maybe only i can..

my hope is that you understand yourself and know what your looking for.. but its probably simpler to just say.. good luck =)
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2 years ago
I too don't get how semiconductors are able to work: PN junctions are so doped.
+1 / -0
There is no fate. In the words of a warrior poet, and great thinker:
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"
-- Mike Tyson

You dont have clue if you have twins or single kid. And if you would have ability to control it, would you actually?

AUrankSmokeDragon its rather simple actually. There is no fate. Were hardwired for this, all else is going into the realm where there are no tits but mammary glands. Where there is no cuddles but chemical changes in brain... You can vacation there to get some ideas, but have an exit strategy from it. Like Christ or Nature, so you can compost your bullshit and replant something on it.

You get the idea. :

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+0 / -0
2 years ago
i did simulation of outcomes, i dont have to know for myself its shit that that gets you in a headspin and shoudnt be touched with a 10 elmo pole, just let nature compost it... like it did to xray shoe measurment devices of 60s. "she'll be right"... organism is self healing if you stop doctoring it...
+0 / -0
if you want people to understand you then you may need to phrase your explanation without assuming others have your own understandings.. i have no context to the meaning of the things you mention such as for example "xray shoe measurment devices"

am i to assume you mean that useless things are lost and vanish/compost and that the world would heal if left alone?
+0 / -0
2 years ago
those who know, know ^^

at your question, you almost got it right, but its not assumption, but observation, and its not useless but heartless. things that do have a heart will pervail, like people of twinkie resuurected the twinkie factory.
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and thats why people want to resurect the 80s. and thats why were upkeeping TA in this form...
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get yourself kalashnikov (a film by bregovic) white cat black cat by kustnica, and rancid aluminium (2002) and you probably seen that aussie flick dirty deeds (2002, iirc theres another american one at same title thats total crap), and subbed luc bessons taxi series. maybe 90s dobberman and tank girl, it will help you see it better...
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