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becoming strong player

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there a long time wanted get mex then i will do it but other time do most wind building

started build units fast in the game without player ping my base without question message on my side of things and should it be allowed

that up to me if wanted to get mex out not like other player tell me what to do and not do

that my planed of playing and a lot of other times player didn't pushing because they need help on my help but have they build wind for himself help the game long run

not being carry or stupid about it need know these things understand my game played

this is clan Lron blood Top legend team someday sing off this strong message

i hope this make sense fix sentcen later if have more time

Link of my game played watch it later if have time : https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1486516 , https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1486467 , https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1485964

other Link: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1486488 this where player ping my base when they need worried about their own game played

side note music link:

this other music other game War thunder send this linked as well
+1 / -0
22 months ago
I watched https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1486488 and had to stop because my blood started boiling from witnessing your start. You made no metal extractor and went straight for 2000+ metal terraform project to block off your team.

My advice is: don't use terraform until you understand rest of the game better.
+3 / -0
22 months ago
thank you send message me know something need work on
+0 / -0
don't need be upset about it how blocked off my team when they were ping 3 times other one of Link

planning something not let other player pushing bottom that what i did there

and other links game with tanks it not easily to do usely have build more then one tank on map and get meatal is not easily there was not enough metal for me to use but have planed other way go for Wind and power
+0 / -0
If you just make units that kill enemy units and don't build bertha/nuke/singularity/striders, you'll be better than most players in this game.

Build 1 windmill next to each metal extractor at start to look like a real pro, it will overdrive the metal extractor by 20% and give your team a lot more metal. Metal extractors > all. Basically all the fun things you might enjoy, like commander morphing are suboptimal gameplay if you wish to improve.
+1 / -0
22 months ago
but not disagreed with you on what you said there TinySpider
+1 / -0
22 months ago
I understand you, just giving you more tips since people actually wanting to improve their playstyle is rare.
+1 / -0
22 months ago
and other note hard get metal when other player getting it have built wind and power sometimes have built caretaker as well help done with unit that why there not enough metal on map so my game played is alright there but may few mistakes as well
+0 / -0
22 months ago
Dohieu, you know team metal income from metal extractors is shared, right? It doesnt matter who builds the mexes, you still get metal, same as everyone else. Reclaimed metal goes to the reclaimer.

Watching some of your replays; just do factory and units, metal and energy connected to mexes(press f4 ingame) to become stronger player. Watch replays and see what purple or blue player are doing(good player colors). Also watch your own replays where you lost the game. Why did you lose and how you could have helped your team better?
+3 / -0
22 months ago
Dohieu, is English your second language? If English is your second language, what language did you grow up with?
+0 / -0

22 months ago
OK so my top tips for becoming stronger are easy.

1) Get used to a standard build order. It's really very simple: cap the mexes next to you and link them together with a grid of a few solar panels. Put a lotus next to your factory. Very easy to do and gives you a small solid base to start with

2) Expand. Zero K is essentially a game about getting mexes. The team with the most metal usually wins. To get metal you need to expand your area of influence. So push forward and cap mexes and hold territory.

3) Make units. I've seen teams of blue stars get rekt by yellow and brown players that expanded and spammed units. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if the units made are sub-optimal if there are enough of them.

4) Specialize in one factory to begin with. Get used to the units in that factory and what they are good against. What they are weak against. Pro players see an enemy doing something and immediately know what to do as a counter. That's because they know their units and situations. When you get familiar with a fac you will know how to handle them against a wide range of foes.

5) Forget the lob strats. I'm one to talk because I love lobcomms and dumb shit like that. But if you want to become really good you have to abandon the lob strats and use what works.

6) good luck :)
+1 / -0

22 months ago
ZArankAstran knows the truth, what the world needs is actually more trollcomms.
+1 / -0
22 months ago
Here is the simplest strategy that works:

1. Build amphbot factory. Queue 1 Duck and 1 Conch.

2. Build 3 mexes, then 3 solars, then 1 lotus at the factory.

3. Build as many mexes as possible and build 1 solar at every mex. Set your factory to an infinite loop of 1 Duck and 1 Buoy and send all units to the front.

Don't do anything else unless you have a specific reason for that. Especially don't build a second factory unless you really need a specific unit of that factory to counter a specific enemy unit. And even then, check if you can build a plate at an allied factory instead. In the rare event that you would really need to build something expensive, focus on one thing at a time.
+3 / -0

22 months ago
+2 / -0
22 months ago
speak English is my first good question ask me about my language and speak other language Vietnamese

but my English message i was trying a bit
+0 / -0
22 months ago
2nd factory when other factory can't do it job in battle match have hard time win side of map that why build 2nd factory in the game
less there good planed have game post to be played

thanks for helping Clip
+0 / -0
Good Stronk to be if you assist team or team assists you. Solo never go or rush stupid things that team doesn't help.

Did you understand what I said USrankdohieu19? Use google translate when you type, it's not a shame if you don't know English. Pretending to know it and then typing it here is confusing.
+0 / -0
speak english all my life it not hard

don't use goggle for translate don't understand then look it up
+0 / -0
22 months ago
You are using a home dialect so it's harder to understand.
+1 / -0
https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1487073 other win today less trying help team mate but other map played on hard when there DRP around enemy side of map https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1487109

how is it confusing. do not Pretending at all just how speak my English be hard for you understand
+0 / -0
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