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Shadowfury333, I miss you. Please stream Zero-K Again!

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2 years ago
Not sure why you stopped, but man, I miss your videos. A few have tried to pick up the mantle, but it's just not the same.

I'm thinking of getting back into Zero-K this year, and am looking for your wisdom on the latest meta and general strategy!

Anyone agree with me?

+3 / -0

2 years ago
have you seen this: ?

+3 / -0
2 years ago
He was great, but there's nothing we can do to bring him back unless he wills it. I agree though that the current ones are rather poor in their commentary/wisdom and just aren't the same, it's a loss we're going to have just accept until someone actually good comes about
+2 / -0
2 years ago
Missed that video, I think. I remember he stopped then started doing other games.

Maybe we could convince him to come back to the community.

I'm going to start playing again soon anyway.

Maybe this will be the year I crack the top 10. ;)

It's hard for me to play an RTS without line-move these days. Haha.

+0 / -0
Being a genxer i totally can relate. After that youtuber was gone who made shoelacing videos i am totally at loss on how to tie my own shoelaces. Also after the other youtuber was gone who was giving strategies on how to wipe your ass, i totally shat myself (and i was super excited, im not gonna lie). And dont get me started on that third youtuber who was making bonfire placement strategies, now i just dont do bonfires anymore without that, i just watch youtube to see if somoene knows how to make a bonfire, without that i cant make it happen...

Pro tip: get a life.

+2 / -5