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23 months ago
+2 / -0
23 months ago
I fail to see the lobster in this
+3 / -0

23 months ago
+1 / -0


latin pyramid is
pyr a mid

fire inside... matches findings of brein foerster of this ting was some sort of reactor in predynastic times
+1 / -0
i think the origin of the video above about insane exactness in ancient egypt can be found at the channel of this guy https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb1MDIWaJM6ll4xS6jBDsCVDjjEJhfQQ2
+0 / -0
DErankAdminmojjj why are you shitting on the message? the original researcher of those stuff is Brien Foerster, he made books. he actually went there. hes on every conference about the subject, yet you muddy the water with some bs ai text to speech nonsense word salad channel. your channel uses original Brein's footage. Brein Forester on his channel does interviews with people who are really into it like real stone people experts of today. Or other predynastic historians.

it happened. first you wanted to divert the traffic, then you deliberately changed your entry to further falsify and muddy the water. its in the changelogs: http://zero-k.info/PostHistory/Index/257829

may we know why?

The only reliable guy who been there, measured it left right and centre with real contemporary expers is Brein Foerster.
+0 / -0

23 months ago
why so offensive. i don't know brein foerster and yes he has nice content. so i might be wrong about the source i provided to be the origin.

yet, this guy, Ben van Kerkwyk, also travelled to egypt and latin/south america and does analysis, cross reference with engineers, scientists, archeologists and other sources like jounalists. i admire his details. maybe you take a look for yourself before accusing and shitting around.
+0 / -0
23 months ago
yes. thats the exact question i ask, why so offensive towards real content. you deliberately chose to distort it. its in the changelogs.

does your "expert" do this?

or this?

or did he wrote a book or couple?

i did some math for the guy a few years back... he had troube with assesing size of the sawblades used, simple math formula to get it together... nothing fancy...
+0 / -0

23 months ago
+0 / -0
For how much longer do we have to endure this?

Why don't you fill in the actual values? And why do you think its "crazy" to create a huge circle? Like a millstone? Do you believe it requires alien tech to carve millstones?

may we know why?

Because it is possible to change your opinion in the face of new information. I changed my post because I don`t care about your math, but the conclusions you get out of them.

fire inside... matches findings of brein foerster of this ting was some sort of reactor in predynastic times


latin pyramid is
pyr a mid

No, in latin that would be "ignis in medio".

Or other predynastic historians.

Exept that this is archeology. Historians deal with written sources like this:

+0 / -0

23 months ago
If you want to make a useful post, explain exactly why Foersters hypothesis about the construction of pyramids is more LIKELY to be true than the hypothesis of Purcell.
+1 / -1
DErankkatastrophe i don't work for you, but if you're genuinely interested its in the materials presented of his books and conferences.

about pyr a mid, youre right, its greek not latin.


but still its same Mediterranean cultural origin.

DErankAdminmojjj can you post couple of those conferences or books of your expert, i have trouble finding them.
+0 / -0

23 months ago
the word for middle in old-greek is "mesos" still.
+0 / -0

23 months ago
Graham Hancock is a genius. He figured out that if you just go far enough back in time you can basically write whatever science fiction you want and call it archaeology. No one can prove you wrong because no one can really say what did or didn't happen 10,000 years ago. Now everyone's copying his method, it's great.
+1 / -0
Brien Foerster is doing the real research with real evidence there is such as nuke war signs in desert, with molten green sand, he has evidence of ancient machining, since even they were aliens they sometimes just fucked up. and those signs are out there. he has books on ancient machining. And when he doesnt know he asks contemporary experts in field who say something that what is seen there reminds ie. resonant core drills for hole making in stone.

Anyways, pyr-a-mid is still fire-in-middle in some ancient language of the region, and the powertool stone cutting markings are out there in the pyramids quarries. deal with it.

no further talks shall be made to not feed the "sceptical" community that youre part of DErankkatastrophe:

+0 / -1

21 months ago
[...] "sceptical" community that youre part of [...]

That group is called "historians with academic degree".

If you want to make a useful post, explain exactly why Foersters hypothesis about the construction of pyramids is more LIKELY to be true than the hypothesis of Purcell.

And this is how we work. I did nothing else than to ask the questions I ask all sources. How unfair.
+0 / -0

21 months ago
+2 / -1