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Forum widgets (spurious?) updates [SOLVED]

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In the last week or so a lot of the threads/maps/battles in the forum widget on main page (see below what I mean) are things that do not seem to have recent changes. While for maps I could imagine there is some background update (edit of map/etc.) I can't image something similar for replays. Some examples of links that I have seen:


What is happening? Is there a bug?

+0 / -0

14 months ago
These seem to be updated two months ago, all around the same time. Is it possible you didn't clock them 2 months ago but have clicked on every other thread in the last 2 months? Then they would be the most recent unread threads.

Somewhere there's a "mark all as read" button to clear everything from the home page.
+2 / -0
14 months ago
Thanks! That makes sense. So what happened in the last week was that there were much less posts and I started seeing "older ones".

Found also the "Mark all read" and it did what I would assume.
+0 / -0