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How to defend against Newton-Snitch-Turrets?

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18 months ago
Hey there!
I recently noticed that one can throw Snitches by pushing them up ramps using Newton towers.
This seems really powerful to me, since the Snitches fly through shields and explode behind them and they can't be stopped by air defense either (Why not? Wouldn't it make sense since it's a somehow flying object?).
I experimented with it a bit but couldn't find a reliable way to stop my opponents from shouting these annoying bombs at me other than eliminating the launching station or building walls higher than the sky.

Here is how I tried to stop the bombs by using Newtons myself, but it's not really functioning as some Snitches fly into the targeted area anyway and some are pulled literally into my own Newtons, which means my defense destroys itself over time. Also it is very pricey.

Is there a better way of defending against this?
+2 / -0

18 months ago
The best way to defend against it is to spread important things around. It costs 120m each time to fire one snitch which means you're ahead 120m in army value every time it hits nothing.
+5 / -0
18 months ago
I love idea of long term consequences of such a ramp.
The only reason that u rarely see that in game is: that's hard to execute properly. If someone master Snitches ramp to it full potential one can global snipe expensive/important units (funelwebs,merlins,tremors) and same with static (singu,cerb,silo,bb,anti)
I wonder if then good terraform will be necessity. But for today it is as Shaman said - economically it is hard to make cost.
Maybe in future we will get back to this discussion when Snitch ramp will become common tactic.
+0 / -0
18 months ago
If the ramp user is a noob just ignore it and let him waste metal

Else viable counters are:
- 200 Metal terra wall in front (leave a gap cuz AoE)
- Newton
- Moderator
- Picket (doesnt work that well)
+3 / -0
18 months ago
Does Moderator one shot flying snitch before it hits? Never saw that interaction.
+1 / -0

18 months ago
+2 / -0

18 months ago
Snitch ramp is a noob trap. Every noob builds it until they work out they spend more metal than they kill
+2 / -0
18 months ago
Friendly hint:
The range in zk is strange, some entities have a cylinder as range and some have a sphere.
+1 / -0
18 months ago
Best way to defend is to do nothing because your opponent is sending a lot of free metal your way while hitting very few targets.
+1 / -0

18 months ago

GG WP...
+2 / -0
Nvm, bad idea, edited my post.
+0 / -0

18 months ago
To expand on USranksomekid's post: excluding the cost of the ramp and newtons that don't actually do anything harmful to the enemy, each snitch costs 120 per shot. The enemy reclaims about 30% of that so you are actually spending around 150 per shot. I've watched snitch ramp before and it hits (and kills) something about every 3 launches. So that's roughly 450 metal for every kill. That's a very expensive way to kill solars, mexes, cons and the usual little critters that run around a battlefield. And don't forget that those kills are 30% less than the usual value because they are killed in enemy territory where they will reclaim the debris.

The problem is that it is so inaccurate.

It basically spews the snitches at random and you can only hope they hit a good target. Sometimes in a blue moon they will land in the middle of a shieldball and the snitcher can orgasm at the bits flying everywhere. Other times they even hit your own units which is not so fun. I once had one of my own shieldballs hit by a friendly snitch and I was dribbling foam out of my mouth in RaEgE.

I've seen snitch ramp be effective in a very crowded environment, basically a bottleneck map where every toss was a hit. But that's about the only time.
+6 / -0

18 months ago
In short, once someone good at it starts using it, it's strong, because someone good is using it. But it's a gimmick, and a slow-to-setup gimmick, and a very high skill gimmick too.
+0 / -0
18 months ago
Which units have a cylinder range?
+0 / -0

18 months ago
I believe the way it works is missile weapons have cylindrical range, lasers/flamethrowers/heatrays spherical and other projectiles are ballistic. Might be wrong though, only did a quick check of the unit defs, and I don't know what class rockets fall under.
+0 / -0
18 months ago
Any hitscan wep has a a cylinder range.
+1 / -0
18 months ago
Personally I think anything in the air (except nukes because they're special) that rises to plane flying height or above should be targetable by AA. It's intuitive and fair
+1 / -0
18 months ago
DErankFaervan The ultimate trick to countering newton snitch ramp is hitscan alpha, the following units should work well
- a moderator is the cheapest way, though slightly unreliable due to the reload
- a counter-newton also works
- one felon counters infinite amounts of newton snitch
- mex, singu and moho counters everything through the power of more metal

Missiles, rockets and torpedos have cylinder range, any projectile that is effected by gravity has parabolic range. everything else (lasers, hitscan, etc) has spherical range
+1 / -0