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a different kind of team battle

8 posts, 379 views
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16 months ago
In another thread there was some chatter about the difficulty of balancing teams, how some people like to play roles, etc.

Also I have wondered what ZK would be like with actual large team-scale coordination instead of lanes, tunnel-vision and chaos.

Anyone want to organize team games ~5 to 8 players with manual balance, and the idea to stick with it for a few rounds, so people can find/get roles and settle in, work as a team? Might want to appoint a couple of team captains who then choose in turn what players to take from those that show up.

I'm not going to do much organization, but I could show up and provide robots for the front line.
+2 / -0
16 months ago
I think a coordinated 3v3 would work? That is small enough for people yet can be somewhat big-team? I would enjoy such a game.
+2 / -0
A series of 3v3!

Or larger.
+2 / -0
16 months ago
in 3v3 players - the front is so important that players might be better off to multi-role (excluding maybe air)
+3 / -0
16 months ago
3v3 is good. Manual balance is not.
+2 / -0
lets put it to a vote anyone who replies will count as 10 more silent people..

1... play with 1 Godde, 1 hero and 6 noobs (you start next to the noobs)

2... 9 average players and 1 hero

i vote team 2

because this >.. http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1772811?
+0 / -0
The five noobsies eat away from Godde and give back very little. Two.
+0 / -0

16 months ago
3v3 is good. Manual balance is not.

I was thinking manual balance for the purpose of playing a few rounds with two teams that everyone agreed to stick to for those rounds. A bit of a tournament flavor, but with larger teams that are intended to be reasonably fair.
+2 / -0