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Noob questions

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Hi! Im new to zero-k and also new to english so, sorry if i make mistakes. (Note: This is NOT mocking him)

I was reading some posts in the forum and came to the conclusion that taking all the metal extractors is very selfish. On the other hand, powerfull units cost a lot of resources, so it becomes unviable to make things like grizlly or other expensive units/buildings.
Considering both facts, what are good units to play with? Considering i'm new to the game.
Do i need to make only one/two types of units? Do i need to play the same unit till the end of the game? is it better to have a big army of cheap units or a smaller one with better units? What is a good proportion between metal extractors and solar panels? At which point is it better to make a singu?
I saw a post with the unit's tier list and found it helpfull and easy to understand but got bad results in battles.

Me and my friends (all noobs) love this game, we hope to understand it better and have a lot of fun battles.
Thanks for reading!
+0 / -6
10 months ago
Why re-post a forum?
+0 / -0