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Palladium rating too high?

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7 months ago
I don't claim to be very good. I just made blue at a rating of 2166. I see Palladium is rating is 2400? So even top ~5% player is not high enough?
+5 / -0
7 months ago
It used to be 2.2k. But I am happy with it being 2.4k purely due to the elo requirement for blue being lower(2103) when it used to be ~2200. This means that in the past you needed to be blue to play paladium. Currently colour isn't a very good indicator of rank(especially silver and blue) because of the elo drop requirements and there now being soo many blues(top 240) which is just insane It used to be top 150.
Just because someone is blue doesn't mean they can compete with other blues or are actually good. This results in paladium games not being of paladium standard. However if you are above 2.4k elo then there is a guarantee that you can play well.
Tbf the easiest tactic if you really want to play paladium is just to grind mm rating. Thats the only reason I used to be able to play paladium.not anymore sadly:(

Often there are custom host paladiums with 2.2k minelo which is fine when there are no players, but when there are, its nice to have a higher rate.
+2 / -0

7 months ago
well as the 5% mark is subject to change, the paladium room entry bar is fixed. maybe it can be tied together?
+6 / -0
7 months ago
Talking about the 5% of active players - was there recently a change in the level of activity required to be on the ladder (last time you played a game) ? I think I did not play in like 4 weeks and I am still visible on the ladder. And the total number of players is ~5500 higher than I ever remember.

+0 / -0

7 months ago
+0 / -0

7 months ago
Id say a lot of people would play with 2200+ players.
+0 / -0

7 months ago
I feel it's too low tbh.
Before in Palladium you could expect a certain degree of skill, any player could handle any situation and not die miserably. Now the variance of skill in palladium in too big imo.
+5 / -0

7 months ago
TY admins :)
+0 / -0
As far as I understand, the 2.2k+ Palladium that ran today was a custom room made by USrankjohnmicheal20. Which I am all in favour of, by the way. Make whatever small teams custom rooms suit the players available on the day. Perhaps name them something a little different.

The admin team (and me in particular, since I am doing most of the button pressing) are happy to hear feedback on where the threshold for the Palladium autohost should be. There is a balance between
* if it is too high, it will rarely or never be used
* if it is too high, few people have the opportunity to use it
* if it is too low, it can potentially kill the all-welcome room
* if it is too low, the variance in skill goes up and game quality goes down
which needs to be maintained. At the moment my feeling is that the feedback pushing upwards and downwards is of about equal strength, and so the threshold is probably in a reasonable place.

(But again, remember that if you have a bunch of top-10 players who want to play a really high-level game, or a bunch of players in the 2.2k to 2.6k zone who are divided by the current threshold, the option to make a custom room is available.)
+1 / -0

7 months ago
Before in Palladium you could expect a certain degree of skill, any player could handle any situation and not die miserably. Now the variance of skill in palladium in too big imo.

Honestly, I'm not sure I would qualify as a reliable Palladium player...
+0 / -0

7 months ago
Honestly, I'm not sure I would qualify as a reliable Palladium player...

More than a few Palladium-capable players wouldn't count as reliable Palladium players if we based it off of what Helwor said!
+1 / -0