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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.7.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 1972946
Started: 2 months ago
Duration: 8 minutes
Players: 8
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 61%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 39%


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2 months ago
Lessons Learned:
1) Don't continue to build metal extractors under double-team pressure, stiffen the defense with turrets and/or factory assist first and then complete the mexes when the situation has stabilized.
2) Scorcher cannot 1v1 Pyro, group them up. I had two. They died one at a time to individual Pyros without getting any kills, and I also lost an isolated Fencer in between.
3) When on the team's weak side, limit my deep scouting. Losing one scout outside of my lane is fine if the rest of my team isn't doing their own deep scouting. Losing over 100 metal of scouts will compromise my ability to defend myself against whatever they find.
4) After losing a factory, reclaiming it should be an economic priority over building metal extractors, behind only regaining the ability to make units and building enough energy to use the reclaim.
5) The type of Picket-Lotus defense I was using needs the Pickets behind the Lotuses vs. Felon. Also, it needs the ratio tilted in favor of Lotus; the Pickets are just there to make long ranged prodding not free.
6) Aspis-Felon has a much better Felon burst than Aspis-Thug because the Aspis transfers shields faster. Underestimating it cost me some units, however...
7) It is not feasible to hold a four-player team's weak flank with only 10 m/s build power going to mobile units!
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