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let have 50% of win

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when didn't have enough mex got go with Fast unit build then one unit have fire in air unit deal heavy damages great game played in PVP and Ranked 1v1 and face AI

https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1990907 watch my side of game played but i was AFk busy at time miss game played

other part of map also have problem with
+2 / -0
13 days ago
chat gpt said this about what you said:

"When I didn't have enough resources, I opted for a fast unit build. Then, one of my units had the ability to fire at air units, which dealt heavy damage. It was a great game, played in both PVP and ranked 1v1 modes, and I also faced off against AI opponents.

You can watch my side of the game here: [link]. I was AFK for part of the game because I was busy, so I missed some of the action.

There were also issues on other parts of the map."
+2 / -0