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if i 1v1 a purple player and loose every game because im not as good as them.. will i end up red rank?

i ask because im confused if the ranks reflect only wins/losses or if you can gain elo just from fighting?

should i never fight purple players until im purple?

edit: nevermind i found the answer

answer: if you dont win you get nothing.. so be careful what battles you fight.. a bit like life i guess
+1 / -0
From what I understand: WHR purpose is to compare you to other players (color is added after depending on your position inside the finished ranking). So in a hypothetical case where you get beaten 20 times by player A and you beat 1 times player B and A beat B once the ranking will be A (1st position), you (2nd position), B (3rd position).

You will "go down in ranking" much faster if you loose from a player with a (previous) rank much lower than you (because the algorithm will be like "hey I thought this guy is good but he got beaten by the other one").

As there are no fights between every other player, the algorithm does things transitively (if you beat X and X beat Y probably you are better than Y).
+1 / -0
If you play a 2800 ELO player 10 times at your current elo of 2153 you would end with 2148.3. just to give perspective on how little elo you would lose against the lowest ranked purple. BUT if you win 1/10 you would end with 2168.3 elo. You stand to gain a lot more than your opponent.

This is the crappy part about ELO, it might incentivise the purple player to refuse a match.
+2 / -0
6 hours ago
If the ratings are correct and there is no transitivity problem, the expectation value of elo change or WHR change is zero, no matter who your opponent is. This means your small chance to gain a lot and your big chance to loose a little add up to zero.

If you loose always, your rating will converge to minus infinity. But the convergence will get slower and slower. Also, the probability of always loosing goes towards zero if you still have some skill. If you loose for an infinite amount of times, you deserve the rating of minus infinity.
+1 / -0
46 minutes ago
"the probability of always loosing goes towards zero if you still have some skill"

thats in teamgames not in 1v1 vs purple
+0 / -0