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Just had a sweet idea for the flea ( post your unit ideas here that will prolly never be programmed)

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12 years ago
Ok imagine if like
the flea could actually glomp onto enemy units
imagine a grizzly coming at you
and fleas just swarm it like .... ants... and bite it to death while enemy units try to pick them off the carcass

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12 years ago
Cool idea but unprecedented on the Spring engine as far as I know.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
if the spring engine is not capable of that then why not try to go for the Paracitism part where the Flea could perhaps heal itself a little with each attack
+0 / -0
12 years ago
well fleas have so little hp that lifedrain would really only matter in flea vs. flea battles, anything else pretty much oneshots them. maybe with some insane micro you could beat a glaive.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
if the spring engine is not capable of that then why not try to go for the Paracitism part where the Flea could perhaps heal itself a little with each attack
It is probably possible with A LOT of coding. How should the fleas climb on the grizzly? Will they sit on the model or the collisionvolume? If they sit on the model they will be inside the Grizzly collisionvolume and no other unit will be able to fire at them. It is possible to give the Grizzly a lot of collision volumes that follow the model.
I'd like to see a game like this though. Where is Knorke when you need him?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
t is possible to give the Grizzly a lot of collision volumes that follow the model.

Spring has this per-piece collisions volume thing, but that doesn't influence aimsphere, so units will still refuse to shoot fleas inside that sphere.

Plus that would require fleas being able to climb on any units (or at least on everything sufficiently large), which means having to rework each such unit.

The crawling itself is probably doable with movectrl and interpolation between pieces of a model.
+0 / -0
*dresses up in knorke costume*

Hurr! I am knorke! Bringer of things and stuffs! Let me present..

usePieceCollisionVolumes = true,
will cause each piece on the model to have an autogenerated hitvolume; unwanted hitvolumes can then be removed with Lua.

edit: Doh, Anarchid ninjad me! Ban he for his abuse of mod powers!
+0 / -0
While this would look cool it would be annoying as hell. Grizzly probably would die against 1 flea. Even with support flea could move somewhere to hide against fire basically nothing but AOE would work while also damaging whatever other unit. Flea would become single most OP unit. +All sorta glitches would happen.

In fact what already spring supports is unit crushing. So why golly, other heavy units couldnt crush flea? It would look really cool + on fight command fleas dance around anyway so only cloaked siting fleas would be crushed instead being pushed.

In fact even dune 2 on sega genesis/mega drive had such feature. SHAME ON YOU ZERO-K dune 2 pwn you.
+0 / -0
Maybe puppies could have their damage decreased by 150 from 410 to 260 and instead get a 200 damage-over-time effect where it attaches to units (if they don't die from the initial 260 dmg already) similar to how UFO suggested for Flea.

Should be immune to AoE effects though, in my opinion.
+0 / -0
Nah, not a good mechanic with how our hitspheres work, fleas already do this to buildings and it is a bug. :(

Puppies doing DoT would be so bad, you'd waste the shots on dead units over and over. A DoT flyer is fine, but not for a swarm unit like the puppy.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Well you could spawn a number of puppies based on how much DoT was left upon destruction. :P
+0 / -0

12 years ago
In fact what already spring supports is unit crushing. So why golly, other heavy units couldnt crush flea? It would look really cool + on fight command fleas dance around anyway so only cloaked siting fleas would be crushed instead being pushed.

Then it would also crush your units (following the, well, friendly-fire-logic in spring). Which would be pretty bad.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
fleas climbing onto things, well there was magnetic BA but it was a bit hackish.
do not have much computer time atm :/

crushing works nicely in 91.0 since kloot fixed some things.
not crush allies (unless you want to), no more infantry dying because they walked into a standing tank etc.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
( post your unit ideas here that will prolly never be programmed)

I was thinking of a couple of things myself only I was focusing on sea combat instead, here’s what I have so far:

Seaborne anti-porc (because porcpushing is even worse on sea than on land):

->Monitor-class artillery support ship—basically think of it as a seaborne pillager with about the same strengths and weaknesses the pillager has on land only updated for sea.

Concept clarifications: A monitor was a class of relatively small warship which was neither fast nor strongly armored but carried disproportionately large guns. They were used by some navies from the 1860s until the end of World War II, and saw their final use by the United States Navy during the Vietnam War.[1]

More at :

Gun barge – traditionally a type of heavily armed defense vessel
I was thinking of adapting the concept to zero-k combat as followas :
 large slow chassis (slowest ship in game) with poor maneuverability,
 Medium to medium-high range (so it can outrange the urchin but not the warlord or annihilator)
 Weapon: depthcharges (presumably fired via integrated newtons to achieve desired range) fired in the same manner as the catapult (the strider unit) these explode on impact with a unit or the ground while sinking in water (and exploding at the bottom) with good AoE and crater formation

I believe such a unit would be useful in a number of situations:
-breaking concentrated porc
-striking at large clusters of stationary or slow moving units (such as a clamball for example)
-firing over large obstacles or ridges due to high fire arc.
-terraforming (sea player could now mess up terrain for hovers, tear down terraform walls from a safe distance and even slowly blast his way across the map if left unopposed)

And on the subject of the flea why not let it float? the antiswarm frigate will finally have a use beyond the early stages of the game, (of course a speed nerf may be needed in order form preventing the flea from becoming op)
+0 / -0
i propose invisible horses. but dont use current models, use legacy ones.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Really mojjj? Random memebombing threads? I expected better of you, there are so many better memes out there to bomb a thread like this, like tankcat, the lazer-ciborg-dinosaurs, the penguin army and sooo many others ... "son" i am dissapoint
+0 / -0
12 years ago
+0 / -0

12 years ago
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12 years ago
parasiting units isnt hard, just give the unit x number of parasite points. When the flea touches the hitbox, the sticks to one of the points and becomes part of the unit's model. Theres lots of programming wizardry you can do to get it to work, its just a matter of wanting to do it.
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