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bombard sniper

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12 years ago
Why can the bombard comm have the sniper conversion upgrade for the gauss rifle... the bombard comm is meant as a long range weapon... I don't get it. As for special weapons I know it would be highly overpowered but we should be able to use the sunburst cannon aswell... my thinking, we give up the build power of the support commander, the speed of the recon commander, the pure-tank armor power of the battle commander and the versatility of the strike commander, if you take away the sniper rilfe from the bombard commander you are taking away its meat and potatoes and leaving only gravy, and nobody likes a plate full of only gravy.
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Because then it would become bombtard commander and everyone would hate it. Its already shield killer with long range gauss, probably even best shield counter in the game.
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12 years ago
Yop. its super effective against shields and it can hit multiple targets. I love my com. (I know its noobish to upgrade com, not make units but when there is metal i just love love to raise him like puppy)
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