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2 people in one player (ingame)

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13 years ago
once i played with sb. vs chicken. But then happended sth. very intresting:
in the 3. or 4. game (map hotstepper) we hadnt spawned with 2 coms but with ONE.

WE WERE IN THE SAME TEAM ("PLAYER) WITH ONE COM! We both could command him, and when we build a fac, we could order all units (one colour).

The game was very funny --> this wasnt a bad bug, I want to play in this type again!:) But we couldnt do it again....

Anyone knows that, has an advice or can create a gametype extra for that?
I would be very delighted;)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
That thing happens when you share your ID number with another player. It's called commsharing, and it's epic. :) My favorite game ever is an 8v8 where both teams only had one commander. ^^

Also, if a setting called "Cooperation mode" is on, you'll get a commander per each player doing this, instead of one.

This wasn't possible in planetwars servers, at least a couple of weeks ago.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
It's a feature, not a bug. However, it's not used very often - don't ask me why.

You can share command with players in the Zero-K lobby by left clicking their name in the player list to the right and selecting "Share command" or something like that. Red text showing up next to that players name will indicate that players share command.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Oh thx i havent known this...
I will use this now more often;)
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We plan to enable this ingame - so you will be able to "join" other player and later join out.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
That sounds like an amazingly awesome feature.
Any word on it?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I tried to do "!setoptions coop=1" sometimes against 3 CAI mods and be together with zmaster.

It was like us being in two teams.
+0 / -0