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redirect newbes to springie?

14 posts, 1275 views
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13 years ago
I think there should be a limit for players who can play:

min. 300 minutes ingame
min. 120 spec
min. 120 play
min. 10% victories?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
what do you mean players who can "play"
if playing 120 minutes is a requirment to play then how could they play in the first place
please explain what you mean
+0 / -0
13 years ago
this is the PW forum, or not?
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13 years ago
We dont have enough players to split them between PW and non PW server..
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13 years ago
But does they destroyes fun on PW server so much that we get people to leave zk at sll?
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13 years ago
It is bad to have total newbies in PW. PW is more of a competetive environment than normal games - people care more about winning, for example when they are about to lose a planet they took a lot of effort to capture and build buildings.
So people want to win, they see newbies that do useless stuff, they rage at newbies, newbies leave...
Imho newbies should learn the basics and at least play a few games before they are allowed in PW.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
We could block rank 1 players forcing them to spec or watch games first. But do we really want it? Wont it drive them away if they cannot really test the game?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think they should "test" zk first before they test PW

PW is a extention of zk, and if you don't are skilled a little bit you can't even test out the planet and starships stuff anyway
+0 / -0
13 years ago
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13 years ago
The guy in the above link is not a newbie, he has 166 games played it says.
He is just total fail player...
I watched a game with him today and he played simcity not RTS...
+0 / -0
13 years ago

LVL 5 required
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Just don't make it based off of elo cus then i wouldn't be able to play. I probaly i have lowest elo but i have never had someone rage at me for sucking. i was thinking the same thing though cus i find it stupid for the one really good guy to just get the crap beat out of him cus his teammates suck and then have him raging over it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I'd have problems too if it was ELO based.

Mostly because I only just found out how to cheat so I can test widgets without starting games over two computers.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
And some more esoteric testing conditions can't really be made to occur even through cheating, I need to control both sides at the same time.
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