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11 years ago
why it exists? Someone said, cause game lags when many players, but i dont see any lags on my shit pc (graphics set to low). So why? Its just stupid.
+0 / -0
shit PC != shit PC

~20 is maximum normally playable game for me. If its above afkers, lagers and trolls grows exponentially.

Personally my favorite game size is 8x8 or 9x9.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
11v11 is stupid.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
more people - more fun. thats how all games work
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If you're going to keep it at least make it split players into EXPIRIENCED only and NEWBIE only.
+0 / -0
@[SotS1]brroleg it's nice to hear your feedback about the game, but please stop implying that everything you want is actually a design goal of the devs.
more people - more fun. thats how all games work

No, that's not how it works. The more people, the less important the individual is. Go play football with 100 players and 1 ball. Yeah, totally fun. Just that you can do whatever you want most of the time (because it's largely irrelevant to the team success) doesn't mean it's good.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I would love games with thousands units too, but its just too much for spring engine, it have poor CPU optimization. Its no just about number of players.

For example game on speedmetal always make my PC cry even with 1 on 1.
(AMD X3, AMD 5600, 4GB RAM).

I know that not everyone have these issues os early as i, there are leak bugs in engine.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
One problem is communication. I can not communicate well with teams of 8+ players and I'm probably one of the players who communicates more than the average. Without communication "team" games turn into battles of memory and reflexes. Players only have to know which units counter one another, know what's going on anywhere on the map and be able to react fast.

Another problem is lack of rooms. ZK suffers heavily from low numbers of battles going on at once. People often have to wait for a game to end before they can play. This means new and impatient players will have a harder time getting a round started.

Yet another problem is lack of players for a serious quickmatching system. Because of this players can not easily be thrown together with others of equal rank. Putting similarly skilled players together is important though to stop new players from being steamrolled and experienced players from lacking challenge.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+1 unknownranknaryl> If you're going to keep it at least make it split players into EXPIRIENCED only and NEWBIE only.

OR ppls of one host will rage-join at the other and games will merge again.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The game plays badly above 5v5- which is already stupidly large.

We also do not have enough game rooms running concurrently, meaning very low skill players are playing alongside players completely out of their league, which is frustrating (mostly for the skilled players, but certain individuals also tend to abuse the low skill players which ruins everyone's experience).
+0 / -0
The average skill players mostly lose, because higher skill team OD.

Or because they don't understand how fast 1/3 of map mexes pay back.

Don't count complete-Newbe OR noob vs Top-10 games - ofc they will lose in any game.
Example: Even BA-haters with only 1 BA game ever played would beat a rts-newbe who played 5 hours BA in BA.

+1 @[RD]Godde.

Team games tend to cause aggression/rage and less consideration
I wish we could try <10 ppls 5-7 for days - maybe it turns out being the right decision.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think 10v10 games is a detriment to the growth of Zero-K.
This means that there usually isn't more than a few games going on and players need to wait longer time before they can play another game.
20 people playing 1 game could easily by separated into like 5 games with between 2 and 6 players in them making it easy to join game that just ended and start a new one immediately.

Luckily/unluckily Zero-K has managed to be playable on almost all maps with pretty much any number of players thanks to elo balancing, facplop and communism.
If that wasn't the case you probably wouldn't see games on so many different maps and with so many different players. It would more likely be like the monoculture of 8v8 DSD in BA.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
[quote]Team games tend to cause aggression/rage and less consideration
I wish we could try <10 ppls 5-7 for days - maybe it turns out being the right decision.[/quote]I think several attempts have been made. Usually there is an outcry from the players...
People needs to get used to it I guess. Somehow people still end up in the biggest games if they get the choice or maybe it is a lack of choice that drives us all to the same hosts.
I prefer 1v1 but teamgames are more diverse and relaxed.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Everyone knows > 5v5 is stupid but it is feared the cut from lolsized to 5v5 might be too big and cause lose of players.
Also technical reasons: there is no easy way to play 2v2 and not suddendly end up with 10 more players in room.

It would more likely be like the monoculture of 8v8 DSD in BA.
With so large teams, all maps play more or less the same anyway. The gameplay has evolved in a way where the choice of map does not matter much.
Thus I think it already is like that.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I'm pretty sure split is set to 24 players

anything over 24 players is pretty dumb

only noobs enjoy games like that
+0 / -0
11 years ago
ZK (and spring) dies because of lolsized games.

These make ppls rage, have less consideration .. I repeat myself, just do it and say: "We make a vote on zero-k.info next week: Do you have enjoyed the time with lower team size on auto hosts?"

And if you really want a big game, you can host your own anyway.
But Autohosts, should do what the community need.
+0 / -0
I think the problem with lolsized games is lack of team coordination. All i have seen in the chat in lolsized games (other than open gl errors http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/issues/detail?id=1807&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Owner%20Summary) is "stupid noobs/kick the noobs/we lost because of the noobs" etc. I agree with kitty that we should test it for a week or so and then have a vote on whether people liked it. Lag also causes problems in huge games (building >1000 fleas for example).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
blah blah blah vote vote blah blah

We already had a vote, two even! Most people want more smaller games.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Why did the peoples which started the vote not commit the changes when it ended?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Oh we had small games for some time. It was pretty nice, there were usually three rooms with ~6-8 players each. Then it was removed.
+0 / -0
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