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Napalm Warhead: Does it increase damage, or just different type of damage; slow damage?

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11 years ago
I was wondering if there is any real benefit to Napalm Warhead for Rocket Launcher weapons for commanders. For plasma artillery, you see a good spread of napalm fire, but doesn't do the same for Rocket Launchers. Same type of spread. So what is the point of Napalm Warhead for Rocket Launcher? To do more damage, or simply do slow damage? Is it worth filling a module with it specifically for weapons like Riot Cannons, and Rocket Launchers?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
it doesnt do any slow damage. It reduces instant damage slightly and increases total damage over time

(Im sure an admin or very expirianced player will comment below saying what i just did in a much more complex way)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
also, if you were trying to do the best you could in a game, morphing coms isnt the way to win
+0 / -0
I couldn't find a simple, exact explanation on how fire damage works, but maybe this helps anyway:

Napalm warhead script (I think comments give wrong numbers)
List of commander weapons for reference
Unit-on-fire script
+0 / -0
1 damage booster is better then napalm warhead
>Napalm warhead scrip
what is hpartillery and partillery?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i guess partillery is plasma artellery
+0 / -0

11 years ago
napalm warhead is a nubtrap
+0 / -0
hpartillery is plasma artillery when your comm got a High Caliber Barrel.
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11 years ago
napa+high cal+uber range is basicaly a free inferno tacnuke
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11 years ago
napa+high cal+uber range is basicaly a free inferno tacnuke

Moar liek an overly expensive firewalker.
+0 / -0
1600 range XD uber trolololo

also the rate of fire is alot faster
+0 / -0
11 years ago
1600 range on which com? :P

for reference: anni has 1250, firewalker 900, inferno 3600
+0 / -0
11 years ago
on bombard com XD
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11 years ago
And how much does it cost (also in time) till you applied all range modules, the barrel and the arty conversions + fully morphed it?
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11 years ago
~6 minutes, 4000m

fairly cheap if you look at it comparativeley
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