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11 years ago
For some reason i believe we need more posts about the uselessness of gunships
why would anyone make gunships instead of planes?
In big maps gunships are too slow and planes dominate, while in small maps aa cover the whole map easily. Also planes pwn the whole factory, so why would anyone make gunships? Only good units are vindicator and bd

Give the whole factory more speed so they can get out of aa range and give em a decent aa pls

Some will say about sending support aa/planes, but what is the point of gunships if they can't do anything properly by themselves?
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Maybe the problem's not gunships, but airplanes?
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11 years ago
Maybe the problem's not gunships, but airplanes?

Probably, but i guess balancing planes would be harder
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11 years ago
make them even tougher to survive some minor to medium aa ? (e.g. a small shield or armour bonus while not shhoting). i would not touch speed, because its gunshits and not planes.
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11 years ago
I think now they are close to the real world Helicopter, not as fast as airplanes and not well armored. But like an Apache, they (have) (should) plenty of firepower.
I think the gunships leak of firepower and a bit of range now, to be good again.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Gunships are still very good defenders!

When you can fight under cover of your own static AA they are a good fast-response army. Basically, the same rules as for defensive stiletto's apply.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Gunships are still very good defenders!

Then why would anyone plop a fac that is only good at defending?
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11 years ago
Yep, when yesterday (or the day before? hmm..) someone asked me what gunships are good for, I responded "Defense!". Seriously, they are pretty fast, move over buildings and it's hard to hide from them behind colvols.

They would be very nice at offense too, but not in 10v10 games on 8x8 maps where they can never go around enemies..
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If someone would write a proper guide on how to use gunships it would be good, then it could go on the wiki.
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11 years ago
gunships have a very limited niche - exploiting the absence of AA more comprehesively than planes.
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11 years ago
Gunships are worse against AAs, that make them more raider-ish than airplanes, but AA defenses tend to have really big coverages, that makes air-raiders become useless quicklly in a game once the opponent start building AAs.
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