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Hardware survey

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Because there are currently no recommended system specifications, I think we need a hardware survey so that people can decide for themselves if they can run Zero-K. Please post your rig here (as detailed as possible), all associated log files, the size and stage of the game, the engine it was tested on and some FPS values in different situations, I will put it all on a wiki page. I will start:

Intel i3 2100 3.1GHz dual core hyperthreaded
Seagate barracuda 1TB HDD 7200RPM
Corsair Vengeance 4GB DDR3 1333MHz CL9 RAM
Intel HD 2000
Xubuntu 12.10 32bit
Minimal settings with a few things turned back on at 1920x1080
+0 / -0
Intel core2quad q6600 (4 * 2.4 ghz, OCed at 2,8 ghz)
6GB ram ddr2 @ 800mhz
nVidia geforce 560, 1gb
Win7 x64
Ultra Settings, 1680x1050 (due to max monitor res), some minor stuff turned off (because me needs entertainment)

engine v 91.0
mostly at 20 fps, down to 5-3 fps in massive speedmetall
+0 / -0
AMD PhenomII x4 2,6 GHz
GForce 9800 512MB
16 GB DDR3 RAM 1333MHz
Win7 pro 64bit
Minimal settings, no lups, no shadows, no grounddecals, basic water, no shiny units etc

Performance is good (>30 fps) up until the lategame in big team games. Your typical Folsom Damn at 50 minutes still grinds down to ~4fps or worse.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
16 GB DDR3 RAM 1333MHz

Why the heck would anyone need 16 GB ram?

my curent pc
AMD FX 6300 @ 3.5 GHz (it has some kind of turbo i think)
8GB RAM DDR3 (can't remember if 1333 or 1600)
GForce 8600 GT @ 1920x1080
Arch linux x64
i can run most games with fancy stuff enabled, 10-30 fps at mid/lategame iirc

i used to have a pentium D @ 2.8 GHz and 1GB ram until some months ago but most teamgames made me lag out
+0 / -0
11 years ago
AMD Phenom II X2 545 (3ghz, dual core)
4gb @1333hz, 2x1gb @1066hz in dual channel mode, all ddr3
ATI Radeon HD 5800, 1gb
Windows 7 x64
1680 * 1050
Mostly minimal/low settings, no fancy changes

~55-60fps at start, ~20 in mid-late game, not playing/watching games with super high metal
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It is on the wiki, please add more information about game size and map and such.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition 3.4Ghz
HDD: 200 GB Win7 partition, 1.5 TB 7200RPM SATA II
RAM: 8GB (4 x 2GB) Dual-Channel Kingston DDR2-800 / PC2-6400 (400Mhz) CL6
GPU: nVidia GeForce GT 430
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit / Windows 8 Professional 64-bit / Linux Mint Debian Edition x64

Always run on minimal settings with safe mode and hardware cursor. Borderless window 1280 x 1024. Never lags at all, even on SpeedMetal when others are lagging out. (Not in extreme circumstances, though.)

I used to have a GeForce 210. That normally got about half the FPS I get now.
+0 / -0
Intel i7-3770 @ 3.4 GHz
Gigabyte Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition, 2 GB GDDR5
G.Skill 2x8 GB DDR3 1333 MHz CL9 RAM
128 GB SSD (system/programs), 2 TB HDD (data)
Windows 8 x64

Gargantuan Epic shore proof. Multiplayer B157327 19 on GargantuanEpicShore
Not sure if this post helps anyone, hue hue.

Why the heck would anyone need 16 GB ram?

Ramdisk? Video editing? Simulation software? Tons of stuff where you need that much.

Wow, i still remember the time when CD (or even floppy) readers were an important part of specs. Times when games were 40 MB big, not 10 GB... Where have we gone to...
+0 / -0
Why the heck would anyone need 16 GB ram?

I recently upgraded to 16 GB of memory after I found myself maxing out 8 GB on a regular basis. I do a lot of photography and video editing in my spare time, and Photoshop + Premier + 30 Chrome tabs would push me over the limit. The videos I am editing are high quality 1080p files that come off my DSLR at around 300 MB/minute.

Back in my university days I did a lot of complex finite element analysis and model rendering, and I could max out our shop's double quad core computer in terms of both CPU and memory, and it has 16 GB as well.

Anyways, on to my specs:
Intel i5 2500k OC'd to 4.0 Ghz (used to be 4.5 Ghz, but it has become increasingly unstable. I will probably have to replace soon.)
GTX 580
16 GB 1333 MHz memeory.
256 GB SSD system drive (OS + some key programs + whatever video I am editing).
1 TB 7200 RPM HDD for Photo + Video storage.
1 TB 7200 RPM HDD for my programs (Steam library alone is about 500 GB).

ZK on Ultra settings will run at ~240 FPS at the beginning of a game, and a huge mega game might slow down to as low as 20 FPS.

My previous computer:
Dell Latitude D820.
2.16 Ghz Core Duo CPU.
4 Ghz ram (unknown speed).
Nvidia Quadro NVS120 (basically a GeForce Go 7400 mobile).
200 GB 7200 RPM HDD.

It ran ZK on low settings at around 40 FPS at game start, dipping to as low as 1 FPS during mega games. There were only a handful of times that it was not able to keep up with Simulation, but when it happened I would begin to fall behind the rest of the players.

It actually ran surprisingly well on such an old computer (it was 6 years old last time I played on it). The key to running games that I should not be able to run:
Super clean system. I keep my system sterile with as little running in the background as possible.
Lower resolution than native monitor. I frequently played games at 1440x900 instead of 1920x1200.
Low settings.
OC'd the video card by about 20%. 3D mark showed an improvement of about 20% when I did this.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
4 Ghz ram (unknown speed).

Nice freudian :D
+1 / -0
My current system runs between 60-80 FPS, without any real issue until you hit crazy numbers of units

AMD FX-4100 Quad Core, 3.6 ghz
Seagate 250 holding the OS w/ WD 1TB USB External Holding the games files on it.
8 GB Ram DDR3
Win 7 X64
Medium Settings, 1440x900
Sapphire HD 6450, 1GB VRam

The computer that used to choke on Spring, but worked at 20 FPS from time to time

Intel Pentium D Single Core
2 GB Ram, DDR2
Radeon 1650X, 512 VRam
Windows 7 X32, although much of the play originally was on Windows XP SP3
Seagate 250GB

+0 / -0
11 years ago
I just want to let you know that ZK is not working on Intel Atom :-D

My PC: 3x3Ghz, 4GB, AMD 5650 512MB

Opensource AMD drivers, Ubuntu 13.10 and MIR server.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Laptop c2d 2.2 GHZ T5900
4GB ram

Everything on low. Biggest games tends to be unplayable. Playing below 10 FPS was casual. Below 5 FPS was very often too, playing below game speed(laging out) only in biggest games.

And now I got 4670K with 8GB ram with intel HD4600 on linux spring is unplayable(debian testing, mesa 9.1 but on windows sorta playable, but still much lower fps than with 9600MGT maybe because bugged drivers or something. Also I didint noticed any performance gains in games like skyrim and dark souls, but I didint tested much yet. Also I have old NVIDIA 7600GS will try that.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Intel i7-2600k 3.4GHz quad-core hyperthreaded
nVidia GeForce GTX 750 1.25GB
Win7 x64
Ultra Settings, 1920x1080 (native resolution). Also have Outline (quite expensive), XRayShader, and Blurry Halo Selections on. Icon distance 250, Draw Distance max.

150-200 fps in 1v1, stays above 40 when watching 10v10 games zoomed out enough to see everything rendered in 3D. Jumps to 90-120 when zooming in on a 10v10 (probably CPU-limited there).
+0 / -0
Razer Game Booster Diagnostics Report v1.0
Datum: 2013/07/20 21:14:31

01 - Betriebssystem

0101 - Betriebssystem : Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (9200.win8_gdr.130410-1505)
0102 - Sprache : German (Regional Setting: German)
0103 - BIOS : Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
0104 - Prozessor : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
0105 - Arbeitsspeicher : 8192MB RAM
0106 - Verfügbarer Arbeitsspeicher für BS: 8190MB RAM
0107 - Auslagerungsdatei : 9672MB used, 3809MB available
0108 - Windows-Ordner : C:\Windows
0109 - DirectX-Version : DirectX 11
0110 - DX-Einrichtungsparameter : Not found
0111 - Benutzerdefinierte DPI-Einstellung: Using System DPI
0112 - DPI-Einstellung des Systems: 96 DPI (100 percent)
0113 - DWM DPI Scaling : Disabled
0114 - DxDiag-Version : 6.02.9200.16384

02 - Prozessor

0201 - Titel : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz x4 ~2400MHz
0202 - Aktuelle Taktrate : 2400MHz

03 - Grafikkarte

0301 - Kartennname : AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
0302 - Hersteller : Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
0303 - Chip-Typ : AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x683D)
0304 - DAC-Typ : Internal DAC(400MHz)
0305 - Geräteschlüssel : Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_683D&SUBSYS_043B1043&REV_00
0306 - Grafikspeicher : 4095 MB
0307 - AdapterRAM : -2147483648 Byte
0308 - Aktueller Modus : 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
0309 - Name des Monitors : BenQ E2200HD DVI
0310 - Name des Treibers : aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx64.dll,aticfx32,aticfx32,aticfx32,atiumd64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atidxx64.dll,atiumdag,atidxx32,atidxx32,atiumdva,atiumd6a.cap,atitmm64.dll
0311 - Treiberversion : 8.17.0010.1172
0312 - Treibersprache : English
0313 - DDI-Version : 11.1
0314 - Treibermodell : WDDM 1.2
0315 - Treiber-Beta : False
0316 - Treiber-Debug : False
0317 - Treiberdatum : 12/19/2012 22:08:04

HIGH up to ULTRA, good working except big team games; speedmetal almost unplayable

sorry, its german, but i hope you'll understand it :)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6320 @ 1.86GHz (Dual Core)
RAM: 4GB (due to 32bit OS only 3039MB RAM useable)
Graphics: ATI Radeon X1300/X1550 Series

1280x1024 windowed mode
shadows and shiny units do not work, so shadows widget instead. Basic Water.
Rest: enough particles that they do not cut off, LUPS on, icondistance so that can see units etc, grounddecals yes, grass yes
Basically turned nothing completly off (except for the mentioned things gfx card does not support)
Somewhat high settings but in small games it works, and in big games it lags even with lower ones.
Few UI widgets. (no bubbles etc)

Small games (1v1,2v2 etc) 30-60+ FPS
Medium games (4v4 or so) sometimes goes down to 10-20 or so towards end
Bigger: unplayable after some minutes
+0 / -0
11 years ago
That will be enough now, I have enough to show how it would perform on most systems. Thank you everyone for helping.
+0 / -0
AMD athlon II 250 @ 3GHz
2Gb ram ddr3 @ 1700 MHz CL9
built in gpu (ATI HD3000)

Minimal settings, 1920x1080

dont have any problems. have around 20-100fps. 100fps in 1v1 to 3v3 small maps start game. and 20fps big maps 7v7 to 10v10 late game.
Only in very rare cases when there is 20+ players spamming tons of units in late game it goes down to around 10fps, still almost playable.

But I had a real problems with performance when we played on 94 spring version. Almost all late games was 5-10fps
+0 / -0
My laptop: Dell XPS M1330, soon to be 5 years old.
Intel Core2 Duo T5800 @ 2,00GHz
nVidia GeForce 8400M GS
Windows Vista

1280x800, pretty much default settings (don't recall changing anything major).
Runs 1v1 (and probably 2v2) fine, everything else (even 2 people vs chicken) drops to 10 fps at 15 minutes and 4 fps at ~30 minutes (read: unplayable).
The GPU in this laptop has a pretty rough time, sitting behind the CPU in the cooling assembly: http://forum.notebookreview.com/dell-xps-studio-xps/266624-dell-xps-m1330-nvidia-geforce-8400m-gs-idle-temperature.html
(Haven't applied that fix, just found it right now). I have it sitting on a cooling pad, otherwise it would become too hot to touch within minutes, lol.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
CPU: 1st gen Intel i7

HDD: Rather Slow 1TB spinning-rust


OS: Windows 7 64 bit --AND-- Arch Linux (bleeding edge of all Linux packages) 64-bit

GFX: ATI Radeon HD 6800 Series Low Settings at 1080p
+0 / -0
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