Seriously guys, what's going on with this game and dev community? Devs are making changes without asking anyone, changes that breaks balance. Can anyone tell me why detriment got such uber nerfs? Cannot penetrate shields, -25% DPS, fucking slow, cannot be transported, cuz its taking ages. Why? Because some newb tell u it's too OP? Than make a poll before making such a BIG nerfs. P.S. Just dont like that devs spam changes nobody really want. Most of the dev community, except a few guys, even dont play this game, or play very rarely, they live in imaginary zk-world, different from what others see. Let's see how many carma I'll grab :P
+8 / -2
I'd say I prefer to rush 12 goliaths, than new stupid detri.
+4 / -0
So what happened to detris killing everything around with their SHINY explosion? Yeah, it's not "pew pew pew kill everything" but it's still very strong.
+0 / -0
You dont use a 24k bot to kill its surroundings - this is what a nuke is for. But yeah, its been overly-nerfed... I watched one die to some shields and stingers (+3 snipers+2 stardusts) but still... old detri could take on multiple ddms... this one cant take on some shielded stingers... Making 12 golis is definitely the way to go now :/
+1 / -0
So they key idea: Devs should not make any significant balance changes without community approval. You are dev and feels like something is broken/need to be tuned to match your game vision? Then: Make a poll vote and if it will pass be happy and make change, but if community, that play this game, reject your idea, go away and find something more important you can do to help game.
+0 / -0
Then don't rebuff Detri, just make ANOTHER MOAR powerful NEW SUPER kbot of DEATH !!
+0 / -0
sfireman translation: Devs should not make any significant balance changes without my approval. As you can read from the thread that Pxtl posted, changes were based on feedback from the community.
+5 / -7
I think its better this way. you have to actually use stratagy to end the game instead of just making a det. the old det simply ended the game 99.99% of the time, and the only counter was another det.
+2 / -1
Feedback of community  luckywaldo7? So please, say me: - How much peoples were for changes(detri nerf, gauss nerf). - How much were against this changes. - And how much doesn't care at all. Then we will talk. If really > 50% of player base was for changes and love them I will shut up and go home, sad and tired.
+0 / -0
i spent the whole thread arguning against det nerf... end result: uberleet KingRaptor superdev hands out forum bans :D this is what you get, give up... if you realy want to spend 24k metal make 4 funnelwebbs or 8 scorps
+1 / -2
Yes that's why we need to introduce a new game-ending bot: "The Prejudice"
+0 / -0
For the low elo player Detri is always gg, but it does not mean it does not have a good counters. To counter old, good detriment, you need to: - Scout during the game(planes, new avengers, jethro/spy) - Use proper units to kill detri: cloaked cons to terraform it, ultimatum, spy, stiletto, etc... Screamer and other aa to prevent detri drop I dont say old detri does not need any nerfs, I'd like to see transport speed nerf, but NOT so much, -30-40% of speed would be enough. Now transport with det is slower than battle com with tons of High Density Platings, lol.  Kyubey, Thread? We need to create 100 threads, maybe after it devs will find out what huge mistake they make each time when they significantly change game balance without community approval.
+0 / -0
The the shield Gauss nerf comes from a balance problem that's much larger than the Det itself - having a weapon-class that counters an entire lab (the Shieldbots) and is scattered about the game was a serious balance problem. Of course, now the problem is reversed - shields are now unusually effective against gauss cannons. I have no idea how they could balance the shield vs. Gauss problem.
+0 / -0
it did get comunity aproval, just not the part of the comunity that has ever built a det outside chickens/speedmetal
+0 / -0
I don't see a reason for rage, @[TROLL]sfireman. Detriment is useless, so what? It doesn't break the game, you just don't build it. What's more important is balance of early and mid game units.
+4 / -0
That was a FFA problem, not even a problem from Det itself. So again: Rafal[ZK] problem: quote: Still making Starlight in FFA is likely a bad idea because it make you everyones target, while the Detri guy can spam Detris in secrecy while everyone gangs on your Starlight. |
That was the main problem, VISIBILITY, and to fix that you just need to make Det like Starlight, something everyone can see you have, make make it smoke all time or it tactical nuke (Medium-Range Missiles) atk to be visible to everyone or something, you get the idea...
+0 / -0
The main problem with Det was not just that it was buildable in secrecy, but that it was an infallibly optimal choice leading to monoculture. quote: - Use proper units to kill detri: cloaked cons to terraform it, ultimatum, spy, stiletto, etc... Screamer and other aa to prevent detri drop |
None of which worked against a competent adversary, and even against noobs not knowing how2det, most of these "counters" required a ton of luck (like getting 14 stiletto on top of it without being shot out of the sky if adversary brought AA, or getting 3-4 ultis ganging it at once without decloaking each other or getting spotted by fleas). Only reliable counter to Det was Det. ...Detri being killed by shields, snipers and stardust sounds just like somebody didn't know that you can walk into shields and pointblank stuff inside. quote: i spent the whole thread arguning against det nerf... |
Next time: argue instead of arguning ;)
+7 / -1
Walk into shields? Whats are u talking about    Anarchid? Det will be dead before do it, cuz it makes damage on range and is damn slow to move. I prefer 12 golis, u can remove detri from game, because it completly lost his role. Dont u realize that while u building detri u constantly drains HUGE ammount of metal into nothing, because 99% detri is nearly usefull as no detri. This must be rewarded with a decent ammount of possibilities when finished. Not by worthless unit that cannot kill 6 shields for 3k metal. It's just 24k metal of worthless shit, anything for this ammount of metal will be better. Even glaives for this cost is more usefull.
+1 / -0