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Ukraine: creative pro-EU Demonstration

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11 years ago

1st step: hide your face. use whatever you have at hand.

2nd: break the police barrier. use whatever you have at hand.
+2 / -0


"Vitya, we have two news for you"
"What are they"
"Good job dispersing the euromaydan!"
"Ukraine is not Russia, you're fucked."
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Although i have heard about this on the news I still don't know what is this all about. Could anyone make me a summary? :P

Anyway, these guys have balls.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
They would rather go with EU than Russia... Ukraine was about to sign association treaty with EU (in preparation for eventual membership), but Putin didn't like that and put direct pressure on Ukraine (threatening gas supplies and trade) and the pro-Russian president gave up to pressure and didn't sign the association treaty.

+3 / -0
11 years ago
Politics is dirty laundry. In Ukraine, it has always been so. Unfortunately the outside picture is far from reality. The main wave of students and people came to the area for the money (~25-38 $), the rest arrived already processed by propaganda. Everyone knows, but all do not care. I am opposed to the use of force against peaceful demonstrators. I think it was also a political provocation, because no sane person in power would not allow this.
+0 / -0
Licho, I don't think your take is really objective.

If the President is pro-russian, then why the association treaty in the first place?

Secondly, were are all these shiny euro flags coming from? The people have sewed them overnight? Dont' make me laugh. It really reminds me of the so-called "orange revolution"...

Thirdly, a good part of Ukraine is pro-russia, not only the President.

Fourthly, ... do you think Europe really wants the Ukraine to join?

I understand that some countries in East Europe wanted to find a shield against Russia but Ukraine is a different case.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Association treaty is long term stuff, Ukraine is working on it from 1994, with summits in 1997, 1998 and in 2005 parliament approved closer ties working towards membership (467 in favour, 19 against).

So there was overwhelming political will. Association negotiation started in 2007 with Tymoshenko still in power...

Regarding flags - you can buy them in any shops, they are mass produced, not really shocking and I don't think EU would be capable of any subversive action lol.
If those demostrators have outside support, its most likely USA, there is no power/organization in EU to do such things atm.

Besides it's not as easy to "manufacture" huge protests... If it was USA woudln't have to use bombs in so many places.

+0 / -0

11 years ago
EU (as in the executive) is really harmless and incapable of any "external disruption" because:

1) its budget is set and approved by all member governments (with most going to agriculture and ragional support within EU)

2) it has rather weak administration. It only employs 33 000 people (for example UK's custom's office employs 82 000 people, Spannish state around 3 000 000 people)

3) it's certainly not in interest of any country in EU to destabilize border country, especially not when it has problems with its own internal stability due to euro issues.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
@DrunkenMaster, do you really think that they paid all those protesters to attend? Who did? On what planet would anyone do that? Where did you get that from, RT?

There are pro-west and pro-Russia elements within Ukraine, always have been, same with the orange revolution, it's a very divided country.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Orange Revolution - big farce played out on the money Boris Berezovsky.

Who pays now is difficult to say. Definitely a group of stakeholders in the destabilization and the seizure of power.
Not all came for the money, as I said, there are people with brainwashed propoganda.
+1 / -2

11 years ago
i like the "brainwash" part"!
+1 / -0

11 years ago


"The Ukraine is a road apple. A sitting duck!
"What you say"
"The Ukraine is weak. It's feeble."
"I think it's time to put the hurt on the Ukraine."
+2 / -0
Politics is never black and white.

Both EU and Russia want to spread/keep their influence and none has more right to do it than the other.

Western media say thousands of people protest against Yanukovych out of free will, while the manifestations for support of the ruling party are small and people were payed to come to them.
I bet the Russian media say the exact opposite.
While in fact neither of them is objective and truth is probably somewhere inbetween: the Ukraine is divided and there is public support for both sides and both sides get financial support of the interested parties.
I just hope it all stays peaceful whatever comes out of it.

Barring all that if I was an Ukrainian I would want to join the EU, and wish them they do, simply because the countries that joined, developed and increased their standard of living faster than they would if they didn't.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I am Ukrainian. I participate and support our revolt what I can. people on the "maidan" does not pay to attend, money, clothes and food bring Kiev, brought in from other cities. we protest against our fully corrupted government, not against Russians. I have friends in Russia and they know it. Russian visitors who visited our "maidan" is also aware of this. but every family has its black sheep. not all support a revolt. we have egoists living only for himself, who are concerned only its own immediate benefit. a lot of them, but because of his selfishness and they do not turn to help another, even the same egoist. they could collect at least our meeting, but they did not come together until they are paid. they despise their own people, and we despise them.
sorry my english - Google refused to translate text whith word "revolt"...
+5 / -0

11 years ago
Google refused to translate text whith word "revolt"

I lol'd...
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I'm not sure about what kind of word
but one of the text
+0 / -0
11 years ago
There are two Ukrainians in the thread and they have 2 different projections and opinions.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
One of them is repeated ZK offender.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
While Crazy Ivan is working on a kick-arse model for us. I know which side of the revolution I'm on!
+5 / -0
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