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Edit: So what do you think about making announcer or some kind of trigger that will react to events happening in the game (examples below) and change music and/or play some sfx?
1) Dante rush (enemy team built dante/krow or another strider very quickly and is moving towards your base).
2) Skuttle uncloaks next to commander/strider or strategical building (fusion/singu).
3) Landunit was killed in midair. (doesn't happen too often unless newton?)
4) Enemy team almost finished building superweapon or already did.
5) And so on...
Naturally it should abide inLoS. So you won't hear event until you see it first. What do you think?

As an experiment I coded quick zk-announcer with 4 events (not music, but voice sfx, it's disabled by default, press F11 and search for "Announcer"). You can try it out in test hosts. Also, if you are annoyed by them you can disable them easily, by either disabling widgets or going to settings -> sound -> announcer and toggle on/off state.
It's not really hard to make a music changing too, but I need some example music for that. Just give some suggestions (when it should play) and links.

Edit: There is now a wiki page discussing what could be implemented regarding dynamic music (event triggered).

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+2 / -0

11 years ago
what licence do the sounds have? without any knowledge about the topic, a link to mega-plattform smells illegal.
+0 / -0
Alliedmodders have about 5 or more topics with them attached. We don't have file attachments.

Does Alliedmodders forum doesn't care about license? Or it's legal and sounds were recreated by community?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
What is this? What does it do?
+0 / -0
Something like:
Kill 2 units at the same time and hear "Doublekill!".
Kill over 70 units and hear "Holy..."... etc.

edit: Sadly this is not possible using UT sounds, please find alternative.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
It's called quaksounds for christ sake, it's sounds FROM quake. Unusable.
+0 / -0
It's called Quakesounds, because I named it in regards to plugin's name on Alliedmodders. It's not from quake (well not all of them). If you are familiar with FPS, you can name game which was famous for announcing kills in such way.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If you are familiar with FPS, you can name game which was famous for announcing kills in such way.

Judging from
Kill 2 units at the same time and hear "Doublekill!".
Kill over 70 units and hear "Holy..."... etc.

I guess you mean UT2k4?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
what licence do the sounds have?
+0 / -0
Probably. But some of them sound somewhat different. And female voices were probably created by fans.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Just crowdsource the sounds from community, i'm sure at the very least the casters could provide some samples.
+0 / -0
Uh forget UT and Quake. I'll rewrite it to use sounds from... for example Xonotic (<- gpl).

Edit: ctf got xonotic sounds.
+2 / -0

11 years ago
Just can't see this working in an RTS.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
conditional/situational sound playback CAN be usefull in an RTS. use-case: mission scripting.
+1 / -0
For example some hellish music should break out for your team, should enemy team have superweapon/superunit functional or under 15 seconds ETA.
And some irony short track when there are above 10 shadows over your singu/commander/strider.
And very short chello vibe when skuttle uncloaks next to your factory/commander/singu/fusion.. etc etc.
Use your imagination.
Updated first post.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I find it very good and actually, I thought for a while that the current music was scripted to suddenly take a more dramatic turn when the first encounter occurs at the beginning of the game but it turned out that it had been only a coincidence.
+1 / -0
CHrankConnetable: As far as I can tell, it sortof is. TA did this as well, where certain songs would play for battle and other songs during construction times. However, it's not a particularly fine-grained system (like Universe at War, Phantasy Star Online, or Fire Emblem: Awakening), as it seems to finish a song before moving to the next one, at least for combat ones, and the songs are minutes long.
+1 / -0
I've been collecting tracks with the idea that someday someone would use them for exactly this, prioritizing shorter ones.

But it's rather hard to find a lot of consistenlty good tracks with a similar theme that are under a minute, so after a while i rescinded the "no longer than 2 minutes" rule and just started piling everything together in the playlist.

However, many of those are CC-BY-SA and i think some are even CC-BY, which allows for their unmitigated modification and adaptation; there's nothing really preventing them to be sliced into smaller thematic bits more suitable for the "robot opera" approach.

P.S. if anyone wants to peruse the playlist and figure out which tracks fit what game situations, add your ideas here.
+3 / -0
E-stall (and metal-excess) should always play some audio cue. There shouldn't be a special soundtrack for these events, there should be (somewhat unintrusive but still distinctive) noises informing the player!

Like, when you're stalling energy, you hear electric fizzling and crackling ("stuff running out of power").
When you excess metal... I dunno, the thunder of iron bars falling to the ground? D: Maybe a distant rumble would do. Needs to be more prominent if your entire team is excessing (as opposed to your m overflowing to allies).

That would be extremely helpful to many players, i'm convinced. I mean, yes, there's those bars in your peripheral vision, but especially newer players will be guided by those cues i guess.
+5 / -0

11 years ago
E-stall (and metal-excess) should always play some audio cue.

+1 / -0
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