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Troll Attack

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10 years ago
Instead Fireman and Co to ​​mute the WOrd "nab" and "nub" to doe admins should even worry about the right problems.
There is again massive real troll alarm.

22:47] Chickenwingssz !kick corvus he's anteep
[22:47] * Springiee Poll: Kick Corvus_Corax for he's anteep? [!y=0/7, !n=0/7]
[22:47] Chickenwingssz !y
[22:47] Springiee [entropy3]!vote 2
[22:47] Springiee [HappyTulips]!vote 1
[22:47] Springiee [Corvus_Corax]!vote 2
[22:48] Springiee [HappyTulips]i still dont get it, what is anteep?
[22:48] * Springiee Poll: Kick Corvus_Corax for he's anteep? [END:FAILED]
[22:49] Chickenwingssz !kick Xivender for being a nazi
[22:49] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for being a nazi? [!y=0/7, !n=0/7]
[22:49] Chickenwingssz !y
[22:49] Springiee [entropy3]!vote 2
[22:49] Springiee [RobbieXD]!vote 2
[22:49] Springiee [Xivender]!vote 2
[22:49] Springiee [smajoman]!vote 2
[22:49] Springiee [HappyTulips]i dont know if he is a nazi?
[22:49] Springiee [HappyTulips]not going to kick for being nazi unless i know
[22:50] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for being a nazi? [END:FAILED]

the he napped a com from aother ppl


First: Why a new Theard instead of a Report? I have no desire to reports 300 accounts. Or how many accounts he may have. Second: Is it to demonstrate the proportionality times, for what is muted for a fucking Fireman and where the real problems lie troll.
+1 / -0
next trolls on the next ganmes:

[22:58] * Springiee please wait, game is about to start
* It is now 23:00.
[23:01] F22raptor !kick Xivender for being a nazi!
[23:01] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for being a nazi!? [!y=0/6, !n=0/6]
[23:01] F22raptor !y
[23:01] dr__lobster !y
[23:01] OldGoatStalker !y
[23:01] Springiee [birdfuel]!vote 1
[23:01] Springiee [smajoman]!vote 2
[23:01] Springiee [Asmodan]!vote 2
[23:01] Springiee [kapsi]!vote 2
[23:01] Springiee [Xivender]fuck trolls, play this shit alone

+1 / -0
10 years ago
thierd game
i have no fun and specced, but oldghoststalker is the next target for trollz

[23:07] * Springiee please wait, game is about to start
[23:07] Springiee [OldGhostStalker]...
[23:08] * Springiee Poll: Kick OldGhostStalker for he stole my name? [!y=0/6, !n=0/6]
[23:08] Springiee [OldGoatStalker]!kick OldGhost he stole my name
[23:08] Springiee [OldGoatStalker]!vote 1
[23:08] Springiee [entropy3]!vote 2
[23:08] dr__lobster !y
[23:08] Springiee [entropy3]!vote 2
[23:08] Springiee [smajoman]!vote 2
[23:08] F22raptor !y
[23:08] Springiee [HappyTulips]!vote 1
[23:08] Springiee [Asmodan]!vote 2
[23:08] MrWong !y
[23:08] OldGhostStalker !y
[23:08] * Springiee Poll: Kick OldGhostStalker for he stole my name? [END:SUCCESS]

and the admins... sleep?
+1 / -0
10 years ago
now, ten minutes later, no one have more fun

4 trolls vs 2 real ppl....
+2 / -0
10 years ago
yeah, i run away from teams server, since guy there was shooting teammates with placeholders, people didnt even kick him. i reported ofc, but it was low-level guy, i dont know how hard it is for him to make new accounts.

just adding my experience
my first forum post, i'm not much of forum guy
+2 / -0
First: Why a new Theard instead of a Report? I have no desire to reports 300 accounts. Second: Is it to demonstrate the proportionality times, for what is muted for a fucking Fireman and where the real problems lie troll

admins have no desire to lurk the forums in search of reports
admins have no desire to stop muting people for swearing just because it's less severe
admins have no desire to listen to stuff like:
[23:10] Xivender: Admins move your fat ass back from chat to the dorum topic and the the teanms server

if you had actually "moved your fat ass", like you yourself put it, and used the report button instead of making a baw thread, the 6 or so admins that are online would get notified through a proper channel and could take action immediately. if you have no desire to get stuff done, then please don't make a thread about stuff not getting done.
+4 / -1
10 years ago
Oh now I'm still turned on by you that I make the Admins attention to the fact that a few trolls destroy the game. Well thank you also.
+1 / -0
I wonder, has anyone else here made ​​the Admins attention?
Could you read, and you would use your brain, jump,
then you would have discovered that I have mentioned above that
I have no desire to reports, the 300 smurf troll.
Instead, I made ​​myself work. I have opened a forum topic.
I have Replay links copied in here
I have written text
I made screenshots this edited with Paint This uploaded to a server Copied the link and reingestellt here
And much more But you do not look in your little world.
Sometimes I'm really thinking on why I'm this work.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
ok last comment:
Next game
Trolls are here
he kicked Tweeki, but he do NOTHING
4 Admins/Mods are here
but he do NOTHING
he sey, we must klick the report button, and Licho say, he will play and not "play police" we should klick report button.
Oh.. moment i laught

23:47] Svatopluk mirracle
[23:49] F22raptor !kick Tweeki teamkilling roach
[23:49] * Springiee Poll: Kick Tweeki for teamkilling roach? [!y=0/7, !n=0/7]
[23:49] F22raptor !y
[23:49] Springiee [[Kf3in]C21]!vote 1
[23:49] Springiee [Tweeki]wut
[23:49] Springiee [Licho]!vote 1
[23:49] dr__lobster !y
[23:49] Springiee [HappyTulips]!vote 1
[23:49] Springiee [Tweeki]i dint do anything
[23:49] Springiee [Svatopluk]!vote 1
[23:49] OldGoatStalker !y
[23:49] * Springiee Poll: Kick Tweeki for teamkilling roach? [END:SUCCESS]
[23:49] Skasi wtf Rafal[ZK], Licho, Jasper why the fuck are you all just idling?
[23:49] Springiee [Xivender]l?l, you "idiots" this was a troll vote
[23:50] Tweeki ómg
[23:50] Springiee [Xivender]this i mean with "admins move your fat ass"
[23:50] Tweeki admins?
[23:50] Tweeki hello?
[23:50] Tweeki i dint do anything
[23:50] Licho you can click rejoin
[23:50] Skasi seriously I got deadminned for not randomly banning people and you just watch how trolls fuck up the game
[23:50] Tweeki yea
[23:50] Licho use report button to report to admins
[23:50] Springiee [Xivender]post on my forum topic
[23:50] Springiee [Xivender]tweetie
[23:50] Tweeki you see it
[23:50] MrWong !kick Xivender insulting admins
[23:50] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for insulting admins? [!y=0/7, !n=0/7]
[23:50] MrWong !y
[23:50] OldGoatStalker !y
[23:50] dr__lobster !y
[23:50] Springiee [[Kf3in]C21]!vote 2
[23:50] F22raptor !y
[23:50] Springiee [Xivender]admins hello
[23:50] Tweeki why do i have to report if you see it
[23:51] Springiee [LifeAquatic]!vote 2
[23:51] Springiee [Xivender]!vote 2
[23:51] Skasi Tweeki, because bureaucracy
[23:51] Springiee [Svatopluk]!vote 2
[23:51] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for insulting admins? [END:FAILED]
[23:51] Tweeki yea
[23:51] Tweeki and you wonder why this game fails
[23:52] Springiee [Licho]no you have to report
[23:52] Springiee [Licho]because i want to play
[23:52] Skasi apparently badmins are all civil servants
[23:52] Springiee [Licho]nd not play police all day
[23:52] Tweeki 4 admins here
[23:52] Tweeki dont be lame
[23:52] Skasi you must report because the 3 admins in this room all want to pick their nose
[23:53] Skasi nope not 4, just 3
[23:53] Tweeki yea no thnx
[23:53] Skasi ohai [GBC]Fred
[23:53] Tweeki bye
[23:53] Skasi didnt see you, 4!
[23:53] [GBC]Fred hullo Skasi
[23:53] [GBC]Fred long time no see
[23:53] Skasi y u no du ur job
[23:53] Skasi sigh..
[23:54] [GBC]Fred because I've been gone for months, need to re-acclimatise

Oh moment i LUGHT
Iam in RAGE and write this post, ZeroK is Minimalized in background and trol started vote:
[23:56] F22raptor !kick Xivender teamkiller
[23:56] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for teamkiller? [!y=0/8, !n=0/8]
[23:56] F22raptor !y
[23:56] Rafal[ZK] !endvote
[23:56] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for teamkiller? [END:FAILED]
[23:56] * Springiee poll cancelled
[23:56] Rafal[ZK] !lock
[23:56] * Springiee game locked
[23:56] F22raptor !kick Xivender teamkiller
[23:56] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for teamkiller? [!y=0/8, !n=0/8]
[23:56] Springiee [OldGhostStalker]!vote 2
[23:56] Rafal[ZK] !endvote
[23:56] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for teamkiller? [END:FAILED]
[23:56] * Springiee poll cancelled
[23:56] F22raptor !kick Xivender teamkiller
[23:56] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for teamkiller? [!y=0/8, !n=0/8]
[23:56] F22raptor !y
[23:56] Springiee [OldGhostStalker]!vote 2
[23:56] Rafal[ZK] !endvote
[23:56] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for teamkiller? [END:FAILED]
[23:56] * Springiee poll cancelled
[23:56] F22raptor !kick Xivender teamkiller
[23:56] * Springiee Poll: Kick Xivender for teamkiller? [!y=0/8, !n=0/8]
[23:56] Springiee [LifeAquatic]!vote 2
+2 / -0
This changes the situation.
[23:49] Skasi wtf @Rafal[ZK], CZrankAdminLicho, USrankJasper why the fuck are you all just idling?
[23:50] Skasi seriously I got deadminned for not randomly banning people and you just watch how trolls fuck up the game
[23:52] Skasi you must report because the 3 admins in this room all want to pick their nose

I think Skasi is right; these aren't known for banning much (or actually at all), but sitting idly when trolls are around (and especially telling people they "don't want to play police"!) gives a really bad example.
+4 / -0
10 years ago
In that log of chat, I would like to clear out, that I thought: Tweekie is on team with Kf3in]C21 so when i saw his vote 1, i did too. Since i cant see other team if teamkilling is on or not. Later i see troll votes and vote no.
+0 / -0
Yeah the guy kept changing his name. I was going crazy. I reported him like two times. pasted everything he said in chat in zero k. Carrapier the admin was writing stuff in zero k chat. nothing was done. I decided to go read manga.

He finally got banned 1 hour and half later after i reported him twice.
Issued on: 8/20/2014 10:03:36 PM (38 minutes ago)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
For the record I was wet sanding some gel coat at the time.

If the smurf shows up again he will be banned again.
+0 / -0

This changes the situation.

[23:49] Skasi wtf @Rafal[ZK], CZrankAdminLicho, USrankJasper why the fuck are you all just idling?
[23:50] Skasi seriously I got deadminned for not randomly banning people and you just watch how trolls fuck up the game
[23:52] Skasi you must report because the 3 admins in this room all want to pick their nose

I think Skasi is right; these aren't known for banning much (or actually at all), but sitting idly when trolls are around (and especially telling people they "don't want to play police"!) gives a really bad example.

I was afk, Jasper seems to have been busy and Licho I think played the game.

When I came back and noticed what is happening I started taking action and the trolls ended being banned.
Meanwhile told people to ignore the votes but no, many people !voted y for every kickvote made by the trolls just because they could. People really should be more responsible when voting for kicking someone.

As for Xivender if he just reported the offender with proper description admins reaction would be much faster, or if he at least provided link to the offending player, but no, apparently it is easier to make bawbaw threads like this, and expect that admins sit in the forum and refresh the page every 10 seconds...
+7 / -0
Nuuuu Sprung, don't quote me saying that! I will get mutededed or something! I don't hate these people, neither as admins nor as robot-genocide-loving beings.

To clear things up: There was a troll with multiple smurfs !kicking players from a room and there were 3, later 4 admins in the room and only one of them marked afk by zkl. I thought two of them were playing, so they might have been too busy to realize the graveness of the situation, turns out at least two of them were afk. Still, I don't understand how one could ignore active players being kicked - especially if it affects the outcome of a game they are participating in.

Anyway, I'll stop panicking now. Let's change topic, shall we?
I was wet sanding some gel coat

What does that even mean?
+0 / -0
increase badmin count. maybe rethink exmins status of the usual suspects. i guess @skasi is trustworthy enough if you ignore the *honk*.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
increase badmin count. maybe rethink exmins status of the usual suspects. i guess Skasi is trustworthy enough if you ignore the *honk*.

lel :P
+4 / -0

10 years ago
FIranksprang too. i dunno what his *honk*-thing is, though. maybe his language was too salacious?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I guess FIranksprang didn't wanna have to deal with things like these. Either that, or protecting the imperial sandwich was more important and too time consuming.

Also I'm too silly to get the gif. :(
+1 / -0
Looking at the logs, part of the problem seems to be that people do not actually look at what they vote for. All trolls need to do is call the vote and let people do the dirty work.

[23:49] * Springiee Poll: Kick Tweeki for teamkilling roach? [!y=0/7, !n=0/7]
[23:49] Springiee [[Kf3in]C21]!vote 1
[23:49] Springiee [Licho]!vote 1
[23:49] Springiee [HappyTulips]!vote 1
[23:49] Springiee [Svatopluk]!vote 1

I can understand the ones in enemy team voting 1 because all they can do is trust the other team, but being in same team and not even paying attention?
[23:08] OldGhostStalker !y
[23:08] * Springiee Poll: Kick OldGhostStalker for he stole my name? [END:SUCCESS]

This one would be lolig if it wasn't sad and probably illustrates the point best.
+5 / -0
Page of 7 (121 records)