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GUI, especially new chat

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10 years ago
Is there an option that "other messages" use a smaller font in Chili Chat 2.2? I only find this for all messages or for Pro Console, but would prefer to use Chili Chat 2.2.
Or can Pro Console's debug console (not main chat) autohide 10s after a message and become visible for a new message again, maybe with an option to de/activate autohide instantly? I only find autohide for chili chat and manual hide for any chat window (e.g. F8 as default for debug console).

The game is now automatically unpaused when the menu is closed. Can this behaviour be changed so that it requires manual unpausing?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Auto pausing only occurs on your own, not in multiplayer. It's a pretty standard thing in RTS games to have it set up that way.

Also, why would you prefer to use Chili Chat 2.2, other than just resistance to change?
+1 / -1

tutorial to get old chat back.
+1 / -0
An option to decay system log messages similar to player messages after x seconds sounds useful.

An option to draw the "expand" button on chat at the top in case players like it sounds useful too
+2 / -1
10 years ago
I know that autopausing only appears in singleplayer. However I would prefer to have no auto-unpause.

I know how to change between the chat types.

Pro Console chat design is a bit better, while some might consider the border as disturbing. Clickable lables' design is better in Chili Chat imo. Also Chili Chat can be made scrollable from the start while Pro Console chat has to be swapped to the scrollable view every game. However the only really important difference between the two types is that there are separate windows for chat and other messages in Pro Console while they are combined in Chili Chat.

Atm I would prefer having all in one window chronologically ordered where debug messages have smaller font instead of messing around with multiple windows. Using Pro Console may be an option on a bigger screen or when debug console autohide/forceopen is available. (If you don't want to see debug messages, the difference is not that big anyway.)
+0 / -0
Debug messages shouldn't show at all unless the person playing is testing something, and as of last stable, you can just hit F8 to toggle the debug console.

I can see the value in an option to have Pro Console chat be in scroll mode at the start, but said option needs to be default off.
+1 / -1
10 years ago
played first match with new chat. chat was in bad position.

switched it off asap to be able to play at all.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Turn it back on again. Hit Ctrl+F11 or click the green arrows in the upper right menu. Now you can resize and reposition most if not all UI elements.
+0 / -0
Hmm, that's a good point, chat should be above or beside the command panel (integral menu) in the default layout, not hanging out in screen centre.
+0 / -0
Some things in this 'new' GUI require a critical feature:
Animated transitions.

In particular, ".proChatMessage,.delayedTooltip {transition: opacity 0.1s}". If you pardon my CSS.

Too bad it pretty much requires the new engine.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
If something in GUI disturbs me I just turn it off:
I need to build eco not GUIs.
This is disturbing too:
+1 / -0

10 years ago

I managed to do animated fade-ins for centroid marker. Can be done.

Thing was buggy and I've never gone back and finished it, but the animated transitions worked fine.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
rofl that screenshot
+2 / -0

10 years ago
played first match with new chat. chat was in bad position.

Chat position was fine, but the floating window should simply be moved to front.

This is disturbing too:

Strange bug, I've never seen that happen.

I managed to do animated fade-ins for centroid marker. Can be done.

That's not related here. Chili labels can't be translucent. That was my first attempt when creating this widget. Had to settle for Starcraft 1 instead of Starcraft 2.

+0 / -0

10 years ago
However I would prefer to have no auto-unpause.

In newest stable: Settings -> Misc
+2 / -0