Okay, that's even worse. According to the Lua code the "enabled!" message should be showing at the very least. I'll have to take a careful look at the logic then, because it was working (and continues to work for me, so I'll need to experiment with settings).
Anyway, it seems to work fine with Pro Console2, just not Pro Console. Not sure why yet. I should also note that Chili Chat 2.2 is set up with the same filtering as the other two, but that seems to also work properly.
Okay, I found the difference. Turns out the set of filtered text that should be showing is still being hidden, but pausing and speed changes were special-cased elsewhere.
Also, a side note, the widget stuff isn't supposed to show messages, the "enabled!" is for stuff like input grabbing, dynamic sky/sun, cheats, etc.
All fixed now, in a PR, should hopefully be in next stable.