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Icy Run v2 Featured


Perhaps some action would warm you up. Small map for short intense games. V2.
Size: 12 x 4


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14 years ago
Very small, long map for short 1v1 battles.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Very little metal to had on a fairly small map. Good for short 1v1 battles.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
if you make Athena, rush a radar in the center and get one of the both mexes behind the middle but where the enemy com not is, you have almost won the game.

Make defense exactly when you expect the enemies incoming, keep scouting for a brawler rush or com drop strategy -> defend with Razzor/Stardust -> and reclaim the early raids.

You can't win this game with big raiding armies - only with a good ressource management and surprise attacks.
+0 / -0
This is not reclaiming about the ban any more, i accepted it. Case Over.

This is just a question cause i am really confuse now and need a reference for future on how i should act.

If someone build mid geo/moho in this map, i ask him to stop, cause it will explode team army or Anni or DDM or etc and make team lose, and him do not, what should i do?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
did you post to wrong place?
+0 / -0
No, maackey locked old one and did not let me create a new one, but no one did answer me what the "correct" thing to do.

I accepted the punishment but need to know what to do if similar case happen again, should i let team lose?

So confusing...
Now i know the rule is, no terraform ever, no even in Speed Metal (Speed Metal = ALL "Metal Maps" for me). But the geo one still unanswered.
What you think [ffc]Killer? What you would do?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
If the game will be lost anyway I would make fusion next to geo :)
Or start a singu next to his factory :D

I would spam labels on the geo-morph (not a normal geo - you are the stupid one If you build too close around that!)
If he not cancels in 20s, pause the game and take a conversation with team.
If he don't listen to team, ask if you can dgun it - if geo morph reached 50%, you can still dgun it without danger, so don't hurry but ask other team.

But if you want to avoid geo in general, build 2 solars on different spot-corners, so that others have to ask you if they want geo (or team-kill you).

Sure, bad luck if you play 2v2
+0 / -0
-double post-
+0 / -0
Thx, AFK_Kitt, but i do not think enemy team will wait the pause just your team can discuss strategy.
So was time pass (limit to 50% moho like you did say) and there still no consensus i need a more secure rules on what to do.
Moho always OK if +50% of team say do not say anything about it?
So can Devs/Mod give a answer?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
hmm i guess there is nothing you can do. try to survive with him doing the geo. make terraform wall around, place shield, lotus around it and link the grid.

this obviously shifts focus from assault to defence and binds ressources and units instead of advancing towards the enemy. sad but true, if the person does not join your opinion in a discussion, he is risking the team to his ignorance. you might discuss later here if this is bad teamplay or stuff, but right in game i dont know if this is a reason to kick or not :-/
+0 / -0
12 years ago
mojj i do not think terraform wall can stop silo in the mid geo, angle will probably be too much high.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
btw: why do ppls not make terra walls around own silos?

They get tried to shot with other silo quite often.
+0 / -0
Like Mid Geo, most its cause both silo in mid (trying to hit the geo in back), so too close and terrawall may not work cause of angle, did never try thought.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
There is a way to kill terraformed areas with buildings on top using silo but i wont tell you that:D
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Talking with Skasi him say its ok to build moho every time, so no matter the situation feel free to do it. :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You know fort, it's always good to link sources and copy-paste quotes.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That not what you mean? So what do you mean? Plz, Clarify.
Nothing can be done in game (you have to accept to lose the game), and after game you can only talk to them, but not report or you can report and them can get banned?

[12:11] Skasi [DOOP]fortaleza, talk to the player after the battle is over
[12:11] Skasi simple as that
[12:12] Skasi usually they will stay in the battle room for a bit
[12:12] Skasi if not you can PM them
[12:16] [DOOP]fortaleza so no punished at all, ok goign to post it in forum
+0 / -0
Try to act and coordinate for the mutual success of the whole team. In a team game, cooperating, coordinating and planning strategies as a group will lead to greater success and a better team atmosphere. Realize that a player with higher elo probably knows what they are talking about.
- Code of Conduct

First communicate with your teammates. If this fails during the game for some reason - they might be busy and not paying attention - do it after the game. Cooperation is mutual. This means you are supposed to respect other player's actions and they yours.

I did not talk about specific situations. Morphing geos is usually good and as far as I know nobody was ever banned for building anything hazardous. Though usually it's the intend that matters. It is hard for me to be more accurate.
+0 / -0
Was it is impossible to read minds and know the true intend, you have to assume good intention right?

Even in this extreme case i am posting about someone building it after team already have Anni, DDM, Army in mid and some build a moho that kill it all, you say there no sure answer, cause its the intend that matter and him could have feel place is safe and have a true good intend of boost team eco or something, correct?

So if there no sure answer even in this extreme case, its always ok to build moho every time, except if you explicit tell to everyone you intend is to kill ally unit, so your true intend is know.

That good to know.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
There is a penalty
The player making these stupid things will get lower elo
+0 / -0
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