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How to calculate cost of terraform?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/8/2014 1:24:07 PMRUrankYogzototh before revert after revert
8/8/2014 1:23:15 PMRUrankYogzototh before revert after revert
8/8/2014 1:22:23 PMRUrankYogzototh before revert after revert
8/8/2014 1:18:59 PMRUrankYogzototh before revert after revert
Before After
1 Terraform seems to be one of those features where you ask yourself "Does it really need to be that complex and precise?". 1 Terraform seems to be one of those features where you ask yourself "Does it really need to be that complex and precise?".
2 I greatly admire @GoogleFrog 's effort to implement it, and i know a number of updates have been done to make it more user-friendly, but i still dont think i have ever seen it actively used in serious games. 2 I greatly admire @GoogleFrog 's effort to implement it, and i know a number of updates have been done to make it more user-friendly, but i still dont think i have ever seen it actively used in serious games.
3 And i believe it is still mostly because of how much time it takes to properly set up, as it becomes quite a heavy burden on APM, something you cannot afford in a serious game. 3 And i believe it is still mostly because of how much time it takes to properly set up, not because of ingame balance. Terraforming always becomes quite a heavy burden on APM, something you cannot afford in a serious game.
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6 One of the problems i have always had with terraforming is my OCD for fine shapes when playing simbase. It always looks great to have your defences hidden by some neatly laid out walls and moats, but it gets completely ruined if something is out of shape. 6 One of the problems i have always had with terraforming is my OCD for fine shapes when playing simbase. It always looks great to have your defences hidden by some neatly laid out walls and moats, but it gets completely ruined if something is out of shape.
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8 I wish there was some sort of terraform overlay activating when using a terraform, that would clearly show the heightmap grid and the squares that would be affected by the current chape. 8 I wish there was some sort of terraform overlay activating when using a terraform, that would clearly show the heightmap grid and the squares that would be affected by the current chape.
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10 Right now you get that information only AFTER confirming the shape, so if you missed, you have to redo it again and again, until you get it right. When making a complex shape, this wastes a lot of time, from an action that is already often considered too complex to bother. 10 Right now you get that information only AFTER confirming the shape, so if you missed, you have to redo it again and again, until you get it right. When making a complex shape, this wastes a lot of time, from an action that is already often considered too complex to bother.