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How to calculate cost of terraform?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
8/8/2014 1:45:13 PMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
8/8/2014 1:41:12 PMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
8/8/2014 1:40:40 PMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
8/8/2014 1:39:17 PMDErankAdminmojjj before revert after revert
Before After
1 [s]avoid unit get stuck in current raising terrowall somehow.[/s] 1 [s]avoid unit get stuck in current raising terrowall somehow.[/s]
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3 i did not think of aggressive terrorform, yet. what i meant was 3 i did not think of aggressive terrorform, yet. what i meant was
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5 e.g.: 5 e.g.:
6 1) create terraform (ghost unit). 6 1) create terraform (ghost unit).
7 2a) con units walk close 7 2a) con units walk close
8 2b) maybe friendly units position (while moving) is in an terraform area 8 2b) maybe friendly units position (while moving) is in an terraform area
9 3) terrain raises. cons/units get stuck if they are right there when terrorform raises/lowers 9 3) terrain raises. cons/units get stuck if they are right there when terrorform raises/lowers
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11 => ( freindly?) units should know about the area which is modified and dont walk there. else its just annoying. 11 => ( freindly?) units should know about the area which is modified and dont walk there , or even better clear the area like they do for a real building/starting nanoframe. else its just annoying.