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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
10/28/2014 7:21:11 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
Before After
1 Bertha has the similar problem - it refuses to shot at terraformed target and it makes me so mad, because: bertha has AOE, bertha has terraform ability after some shots at terrawall it can break it and so hit the target. 1 Bertha has the similar problem - it refuses to shot at terraformed target, though: bertha has AOE, bertha has terraform ability after some shots at terrawall it can break it and so hit the target.
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3 But this does NOT happen because of weird behavior, it just ignores my explicit order(sabotage!), turns around and shot at some random targets. 3 But this does NOT happen because of weird behavior, it just ignores my explicit order(sabotage!), turns around and shot at some random targets.
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5 BD has the similar problem, sometimes it refuses to fire(sabotage!) and is just hanging over the target doing nothing while enemy's aa is pwning it. 5 BD has the similar problem, sometimes it refuses to fire(sabotage!) and is just hanging over the target doing nothing while enemy's aa is pwning it.
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