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Successful trolling was successful.
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Successful trolling was successful.
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[url=http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/311328]This is why this post was made[/url]. @midkar and @Shamansrnutreel got pissed off at racket WTF spam in this game. Yay I finally get a baww post :D
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[url=http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/311328]This is why this post was made[/url]. @midkar and @Shamansrnutreel got pissed off at racket WTF spam in this game. Yay I finally get a baww post :D
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Racketeer is one of the hardest units to use in mass (cause no sane fight exists)
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Being worked on. When it arrives, I will unleash my technological monstrocity on zk causing much bawws. Beware cowards!