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Map Quagmire v0.1

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/12/2014 3:10:39 AMDErankKlon before revert after revert
12/12/2014 3:08:57 AMDErankKlon before revert after revert
12/12/2014 3:08:47 AMDErankKlon before revert after revert
12/12/2014 3:01:00 AMDErankKlon before revert after revert
Before After
1 i would like to have some comments on this if you happen to play it: 1 i would like to have some comments on this if you happen to play it:
2 \n 2 \n
3 - is the fog displaying correctly? 3 - is the fog displaying correctly?
4 - do unit textures, markers, healthbars, etc render correctly (that is, lightly greyed, but not fully grey) under the fog? 4 - do unit textures, markers, healthbars, etc render correctly (that is, lightly greyed, but not fully grey) under the fog?
5 - do you have shadows active in your graphics settings? 5 - do you have shadows active in your graphics settings?
6 - do you use compressed textures? (compressTextures setting in springsettings.cfg) 6 - do you use compressed textures? (compressTextures setting in springsettings.cfg)
7 - ati or nvidia? 7 - ati or nvidia?
8 \n 8 \n
9 - is the ambient sound too loud / too silent? 9 - is the ambient sound too loud / too silent?
10 - do you like the ambient sound, is it credible? 10 - do you like the ambient sound, is it credible?
11 - would you like to see ambient sounds like that on other maps too? 11 - would you like to see ambient sounds like that on other maps too?
12 - do you like the fog, is it credible? 12 - do you like the fog, is it credible?
13 \n
14 (if the fog displays with visible stripes/seams try disabling compressed textures)