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Map Quagmire v0.1

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/12/2014 7:53:54 AMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
12/12/2014 7:53:44 AMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
12/12/2014 7:53:15 AMPLrankOrfelius before revert after revert
Before After
1 Same problem with the fog altrough diffuse displays properly unlike on @ikinz screenshots. Every GUI element is plain gray. I dont have shadows active in my graphical settings. I do use compressed textures (I think) and i have Nvidia GPU. 1 Same problem with the fog altrough diffuse displays properly unlike on @ikinz screenshots. Every GUI element is plain gray. I dont have shadows active in my graphical settings. I do use compressed textures (I think) and i have Nvidia GPU.
2 I am running on minimal graphic settings for ZK. 2 I am running on minimal graphic settings for ZK.
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4 In addition to this i hear absolutly no sound! Nothing at all. 4 In addition to this i hear absolutly no sound! Nothing at all.
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6 The ponds in the middle are too deep and it will simply render Amphs as the only factory to use on this map. Center ones should be shallow imo to avoid that. 6 The ponds in the middle are too deep and it will simply render Amphs as the only factory to use on this map. Center ones should be shallow imo to avoid that.
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8 Other than that i would like to point out that the diffuse is very repeating (at least the deflaut grass texture) In fact it is so repeating that you can even see it on the minimap displayed on this page (I hope that its not a final version of diffuse) 8 Other than that i would like to point out that the diffuse is very repeating (at least the deflaut grass texture) In fact it is so repeating that you can even see it on the minimap displayed on this page (I hope that its not a final version of diffuse)
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10 Edit: I have changed my settings into high bringing immidate impact to my fps (from 50 on idle com to 14, usually it is 30 for me on idle com on high). Both sounds and fog works now. 10 Edit: I have changed my settings into high bringing immidate impact to my fps (from 50 on idle com to 14, usually it is 30 for me on idle com on high). Both sounds and fog works now.
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12 Fog is so thick that it obscures the view of my units. It would be great if it would be a bit lower. Other than that there are issues with the shader 12 Fog is so thick that it obscures the view of my units. It would be great if it would be a bit lower. Other than that there are issues with the shader
13 [img]http://i.imgur.com/NnYGLJq.jpg[/img] 13 [img]http://i.imgur.com/NnYGLJq.jpg[/img]
14 Notice the certical lines. 14 Notice the vertical lines.
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16 As @Ikinz said the ambient sounds are propably too loud but preatty great in my opinion. 16 As @Ikinz said the ambient sounds are propably too loud but preatty great in my opinion.