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B326700 21 on Tau10Dry (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/27/2015 1:12:17 AMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
1/27/2015 1:02:28 AMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
1/27/2015 1:02:21 AMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
Before After
1 Hm, both times that I tried to watch this game, I had [i]massive[/i] framerate issues when starting and exiting the replay. 1 Sounds like this:
2 [img]https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8400179712/hD52B9604/[/img]
3 \n
4 I experienced an issue watching the game though...
5 [spoiler]Hm, both times that I tried to watch this game, I had [i]massive[/i] framerate issues when starting and exiting the replay.
2 \n 6 \n
3 To be more precise, after the loading screen is done, I get 1 frame every 10 seconds. The second time I tried, I clicked "Skip pregame chatter", which apparently fixed the issue. Once the actual game started, everything was smooth. 7 To be more precise, after the loading screen is done, I get 1 frame every 10 seconds. The second time I tried, I clicked "Skip pregame chatter", which apparently fixed the issue. Once the actual game started, everything was smooth.
4 When the game ended (award screen appearing), the same problem happened with the engine coming to a halt. Had to kill the process both times. 8 When the game ended (award screen appearing), the same problem happened with the engine coming to a halt. Had to kill the process both times.
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7 The game was running very smoothly other than this ( and it's definitely not an issue of PC specs) , but that seemed like quite a nuisance. It also always involved full usage of one core. 11 The game was running very smoothly other than this ( and it's definitely not an issue of PC specs) , but that seemed like quite a nuisance. It also always involved full usage of one core. [/spoiler]