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raven fraeking spam

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/7/2015 3:00:01 PMEErank[ISP]Lauri before revert after revert
2/7/2015 2:59:41 PMEErank[ISP]Lauri before revert after revert
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1 [quote]Excuse me but when you are up against banisher spam you wont switch to air because that is a suicide...[/quote] 1 [quote]Excuse me but when you are up against banisher spam you wont switch to air because that is a suicide...[/quote]
2 Why shouldn't you get air when the other guy makes Banishers? That's like saying you shouldn't switch to air when the other guy makes Slashers or Moderators. Flex AA in ZK is a mild annoyance or at best a deterrent to air, not a counter. 2 Why shouldn't you get air when the other guy makes Banishers? That's like saying you shouldn't switch to air when the other guy makes Slashers or Moderators. Flex AA in ZK is a mild annoyance or at best a local deterrent to air, not a counter.