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ready for 98?

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/9/2015 8:54:46 AMFirepluk before revert after revert
2/8/2015 4:22:47 PMFirepluk before revert after revert
2/8/2015 4:22:38 PMFirepluk before revert after revert
2/8/2015 4:22:11 PMFirepluk before revert after revert
Before After
1 We played today some 98 games, generally feels better than half a year a ago. BUT: 1 We played today some 98 games, generally feels better than half a year ago. BUT:
2 it was slow and laggy experience, constant random lagspikes all over the game, spoils all the fun, 91 is still far ahead by performance 2 it was slow and laggy experience, constant random lagspikes all over the game, spoils all the fun, 91 is still far ahead by performance