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Install directory shenanigans

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2/15/2015 6:34:25 PMCHrankivand before revert after revert
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1 I think almost everyone at least on Windows has had this. 1 I think almost everyone at least on Windows has had this.
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3 The remedy is posted in WTF DEVS rage thread: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/11587#117745 3 The remedy is posted in WTF DEVS rage thread: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/11587#117745
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5 [quote]As for second one. It's a pity this error message always appears from default installation and I agree it should be fixed before the steam release. You can fix it yourself though: Create a new shortcut in Windows, point it to where Zero-K.exe is ("target" field), then specify working directory ("Start in" field) same as where your Zero-K.exe resides.
6 \n
7 My example http://snag.gy/aFUbO.jpg [/quote]