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Shieldbot balance

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3/4/2015 10:43:55 AMSkasi before revert after revert
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1 I've been wondering too. Convict shields draining energy should be a thing just like Conjurers draining energy to cloak. Felons relying on shield drain for massive dps and shields relying on energy for a massive "autorepair" effect is what defines the shield concept. To me "only some shields drain energy" is the same unnecessary special exception as "only some napalm on groun sets units on fire" ( see Phoenix) and similar to those special rules CA always wanted to get rid of ( damage resistances, etc) . 1 I've been wondering too. Convict shields draining energy should be a thing just like Conjurers draining energy to cloak. To me Felons relying on shield drain for massive dps and shields relying on energy for a massive "autorepair" effect is what defines the shield concept. "Only some shields drain energy" is the same unnecessary special exception as "only some napalm on ground sets units on fire" ( see Phoenix) and similar to those special rules CA always wanted to get rid of ( damage resistances, etc) .
2 \n 2 \n
3 Then again I'd also like to see Felon being a shield=hp unit similar to SC's Archon, but that's more neonstormy. 3 Then again I'd also like to see Felon being a shield=hp unit similar to SC's Archon, but that's more neonstormy.